Chapter 5

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As I opened the door to the coffee shop, there he sat. As if waiting for my arrival, Michael. I quickly shut the door and went to walk back to the hotel, but I was too late. He saw me.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched him follow me. He couldn't know where I was staying, so I decided to walk further into the city in hopes of losing him. No matter how fast I walked, he seemed to be getting closer. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do.

Gabe said to call him if something were to happen, but I can't risk slowing down to type his number in my phone. What if he catches me? This man will go to great lengths to try and get to me. The more I thought, the more I panicked. I can't panic right now. I need to calm down. How? I'm being chased through a city I've never been to.

Rhea. Of course. She can calm me down. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and started to call Rhea, when I was tackled from behind.

Rheas POV:
27 minutes. It's been 27... now 28 whole minutes since she walked out that door with a total stranger. I'm not sure why, but I have a bad feeling about this. Just as that thought crossed my mind, my phone rang. It was Ash.

"Hey Ash you okay? You've been gone a whi-" I was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the other end of the line, followed by something I could barely understand

"Please- off- ouch..." was that Ash's voice?

Just like that the line went dead. I guess Priest saw my worried expression.

"Was that Ash? Is she okay? Rhea what's wrong?" Priest asked getting up

I didn't know what to say. I was so worried. I knew that guy was off.

"Priest I don't know, it sounded like she was pushed or something. We have to find her"

"Give me your phone sis" Priest says

"Not now priest we have to do find-"

"I SAID GIVE ME YOUR PHONE" he yelled snatching it from my hand. "Listen Rhea, there's a way you can track her through find my iPhone... look. Here she is." He showed me her location on my phone. How did she get so far downtown?

"Here, take my phone and call Triple H. Follow me" priest says running out the door.

I quickly dialed Triple H and let him know what was going on. Before I knew it blacked out WWE suvs were following us through the city.

Wait was that... that's the guy she left the hotel with in one of the SUVs. Then who the hell.... Oh my god.

Ashley's POV:

"Please Michael leave me alone!" I say trying to fight him off of me.

"You left me! I've done absolutely nothing to deserve this treatment from you-"

He was quickly pulled off of me.


Oh my god. I looked up to find a very angry priest holding Michel up by his shirt with one hand, and a very concerned Rhea running towards me. She kneeled down and looked me over, looking for what I can only assume any injury's he may have given me.

"Hey hey Ash I'm here, you're okay. Just breathe" she said pulling into her arms. Once again, then and there, I lost it. I found myself sobbing into Rhea Ripleys arms. I was quickly picked up and put into the back of a blacked out SUV by Rhea. She didn't let go once.

Back at the hotel, I had calmed down a bit but I was still in what I can only describe as shock. We went up to the room without a word to each other. When I walked into the room and sat on my bed, she finally spoke.

"He's going away for a long time. I don't know who that was, or why he did that, but I can't believe he would do something like this." She said walking over to my bed.

I couldn't comprehend what she was saying. All I kept thinking was, how did he find me?

"Hey, look at me" Rhea said putting her finger under my chin, lifting my head to look in her eyes. For a second I could've sworn she glanced to my lips. Maybe I was imagining it. Until she did it again, licking her own.

"Rhea..." I snapped her out of whatever daydream that was. "Thank you. Thank you for being there for me last night and tonight. I know this may seem strange, but I feel calm around you. Like I can tell you anything"

"Me too Ash, so tell me what the hell that was" she said moving away, causing me to miss her touch.

"That was Michael. He and I were engaged a few years ago." I avoided her eyes. "He was abusive, so I cut things off. Let's just say he was not happy about it."

"Oh I had no idea you were engaged... to a man" she almost whispered the last part. I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

"Yeah, we were together for a long time. I really thought I'd build my life with him. Until one day a switch flipped. I tried to get him to go to therapy and work it out, but he never did. And to be honest, I've never found another man attractive since" I said with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

"Are you okay Ash? Like have you dealt with the mental strain that shit can put on someone? She said looking over to my bottle of anxiety meds I left sitting on my bedside table.

"I've gone to lots of therapists, and mental health experts. I'm not perfect, but it's an uphill battle. After 3 years I think I'm ready to enter the dating world again" I said, really wanting to change the subject.

"Good. I was worried about you Ash, but I should've known such a beautiful girl would have her head on straight. If you really want to re-enter the dating scene, priest is single and ready to mingle." She said almost backing away.

Did she not... guess she didn't, "priest isn't really... my cup of tea"

"Really? I mean I know he can be protective and everything but he's a nice guy. He opens the door for you-"

"I'm gay, Rhea. I like women." I interrupted her earning a shocked yet amused look.

"Oh, well in that case-" Rhea was interrupted by a knock on our hotel room door. She got up a looked through the peep hole. "Speak of the devil" she says opening the door to a very worrisome looking Priest.

"Hey Ash are you okay? I got that fucker good. He's going away for a long time. Apparently you have a restraining order against him? That son of a bitch isn't seeing the light of day-"

"I'm good, Priest. Thank you for being there. But, how did y'all find me?" I ask

"Find my IPhone princessa, not that difficult" he said tapping me on the head.

"If you're sure you're okay, I'm going to go take a shower and change. They moved our arrangements so we don't have to leave until tomorrow. They wanted to give you time to rest."

"Thanks priest, I'm good. Go ahead." I say motioning towards the door. Rhea followed behind and shut the door behind priest, locking the deadbolt behind him. She turned back towards my bed, walking slowly with an almost... hungry look on her face?

"So.. Ash. Let's talk about this whole mirror situation aye?"

Ooooh shit.

"Um Rhea I don't-"

"Save it, princess" she said, walking quicker towards me.

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