Start from the beginning

I can't believe it...

As (Y/N) looked at herself in the mirror, her white dress fitting nicely around her top before flowing out at the bottom in waves, she smiled.

I'm getting married.

She had worried what people would think about her getting married to her high school teacher, yet she was happily surprised to find that most accepted it. There were of course more than a few naysayers, but they didn't matter to her. What made her the most joyful was learning that Thorne had always had a soft spot for her,  such feelings only blossoming into love and affection afterwards when she was a legal adult.

She knew it was taboo.

And so did he.

But they didn't care, because they loved each other. And as they said their vows, (Y/N) slipping a ring onto his finger and vice versa, they shared a passionate kiss, one the guests cheered to as the music swelled and the dancing began. Intertwining her hand with her husband's, she lifted her dress with the other and swayed to the beat. A smile that could be described as bright as the sun rested along her lips as she drank in the happiness of the moment, a vast difference to her teen years.

While Darlene had always supported her, no matter how annoyed they got with each other, life was still rough for them.

But they got by.

Everything traumatic that happened in the past would be exactly that: in the past. The mother and daughter talked for the whole day after that, letting themselves heal and process what had happened, but never again wanting to think about it.

And they were happier doing that.

As (Y/N) let herself dip in Tom's arms, she closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of perfume and desserts mingling together, loving the smell and letting it caress her as she threw herself into the moment. However, all the while these festivities were happening, something was going on barely fifty miles away from where the wedding was taking place in an insane asylum. Someone had broken out—someone who had been waiting for such an opportunity for seven long, strenuous years.

The man smirked as he walked down the dark winding road, straightening the clothes he had stolen from a nearby store whilst twirling a knife around his fingers. His smile shone in the darkening sky, the moon and stars soon creeping out from behind the clouds.

"I'm coming, (Y/N)," he whispered into the night. "This time, I won't let you go. I own you."

【 𝐈 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 】【 𝐄𝐍𝐃 】

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【 𝐄𝐍𝐃 】



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              First of all, I want to thank you all for
              staying until the end and reading I Own
              You since your support means so much
              to me! Second of all, I am announcing
              that there will not be a 2nd book, I'm
              sorry! However, if you want, please
              check out some of my other books!

              Other than that, thank you again once
              more, I love all of you for taking the
              time to read this book, and I hope you
              have a lovely rest of your day/night!


ー ALD813

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