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Why did he sit next to me?

    (Y/N) currently was trying very hard not to glance over at Cage next to her, his head propped up with his hand while he flashed a charming smile to the group of girls he was chatting with that were currently surrounding his desk. She normally didn't have a problem if someone sat next to her or not since they usually ignored her, but so many people all trying to talk over one another so close to her was easily enough to overwhelm her.

    She let out a slow breath as she allowed her head to rest on her arm, her face turned away from the group and towards the window.

    The minutes crawled by slowly.

    "Okay, class, break is over, so please settle down now," Miss Carter announced whilst tapping a ruler against her desk, watching as all of the girls surrounding Cage let out disappointed sighs before they walked back to their desks.

    (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief.

    Fighting the urge to sleep through class again and again, (Y/N) made sure to concentrate on the lesson at hand even if Hamlet made her want to question her sanity. Her shoulders slumped as the bell rang since right before, the class was informed of an upcoming test, and she wasn't too sure if everything Hamlet said made sense to her.

    Oh, well.

    Let's just read some SparkNotes.

    Going through her last two classes with ease, the bell to her last class finally rang. Happy, she stood up and was the first out of the classroom since most everyone immediately swarmed around Cage in hopes of inviting him to parties, or vice versa, some even blatantly asking him out on dates only to be nicely turned down. Since she had all of her classes with Cage, this wasn't a strange occurrence most of the time. Brushing strands of her hair out of her face, (Y/N) walked out to the Student Parking Lot and slid into the driver's side of her car.

    Driving the twenty minutes back to her house, she could feel the tension in her muscles relax when she pulled up into the driveway. Unlocking the door to her and her mother's house, the sound of a slight scratching on the door already being heard from inside, (Y/N)'s smile lit up when seeing the one she called her pet.

"Gabby!" Her voice rose in pitch in excitement as she crouched down to pet the (cat/dog). "I missed you so much!" Picking up the animal, she then walked into the kitchen where her mother was busy preparing dinner, greeting, "Hi, mom."

    "Hi, honey," Darlene turned around to give her daughter a small peck on the cheek before turning around to resume cooking. "How was your day?"

    "Good—same as always."

    (Y/N) watched as her mother scurried around the kitchen preparing her meal. Darlene looked exactly like her daughter—they had the same hair, the same eyes, the same features, everything. Before her father died about two years ago, he would always say that she was an exact copy of her mother. In terms of personality too, they were the same. Since her husband's death, Darlene was always the one to take care of the housework and chores, always seeming to be doing something even though (Y/N) made sure to help by cleaning up after dinner, vacuuming, dusting, and anything else really to help. She knew that her mother was busy with her new job, which was why they even moved out there in the first place.

    She wanted to help as much as she could.

    "By the way, honey, my boss suddenly called saying I needed to come in immediately."

    "What? Why?"

    "I don't know. Though, it's probably because we're so understaffed right now," Darlene exhaled before giving a sad smile, ruffling her daughter's (H/C) hair softly. "I'm sorry, dear. Don't be too upset, we can always reschedule movie night for tomorrow since it's the weekend."

    "I know. It's fine, mom," (Y/N) reassured her mother even though she was disappointed.


    There is tomorrow.

    From her arms, Gabby gave a small (meow/bark) as she moved around like a worm even as (Y/N) pet her dark coat, the fur soft and smooth beneath her fingertips. Giggling softly, she then glanced up to see Darlene placing her food down before giving a quick wave goodbye. And just like that, Darlene was gone and out the door. Letting out a small sigh, (Y/N) merely ate her dinner before ascending the stairs up to her room to work on homework.

And it was there where she felt like chucking her math textbook out the window.

Fortunately enough, she was able to get all of her homework done at a manageable time, letting out a yawn and stretching at the same time before glancing at the clock. Groaning at the fact that she only had twenty minutes to drive to her part-time job at an ice cream store, (Y/N) then begrudgingly said goodbye to Gabby before grabbing her coat and keys so she could head to the store, finally arriving only a few minutes later.

    She didn't mind working as it gave her a steady income, but at the same time, she really just wanted to unwind at the end of the day.

    The bell on the door jingled.

    Cage and a group of his friends walked in.

    (Y/N) wanted to go home.

    (Y/N) wanted to go home

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