Ch. 15 ~ I Have a Solution!

Start from the beginning

Luz's words cut through the room, her gaze fixated on Amity. The shock on Amity's face was apparent as she realized that Luz had overheard the negative things she had said about her. Amity, caught off guard, struggled to find words as the weight of her own actions sank in.

Camila, undeterred, responded to Luz's accusations. "You don't know Luz like I do. She's under a lot of pressure, and she's handling it with grace."

Odalia, with a condescending tone, retorted, "Grace? Handling it with grace would involve discipline, which your daughter clearly lacks. And don't even get me started on how she's dragging Amity down with her."

Camila shot back, "My daughter is not dragging anyone down. If there are issues, we should address them as a team instead of blaming individuals."

Odalia scoffed, "Typical. Defend your child even when she's causing trouble. This is affecting the reputation of my daughter and family. This is not how I expect the Blight family to be treated."

"Luz's actions have embarrassed our family on a broader scale. Several news outlets have acquired the photo of Amity being covered in cake, and on various social media apps, she's trending with the derogatory nickname 'cake face.' This kind of negative publicity can't be ignored."

Camila, alarmed, shot back, "I understand the impact on Amity, but Luz didn't cause that. It was an accident, and we can't control how the media spins it. My daughter can't be blamed when her drink was tampered with."

Odalia remained unyielding, "Accident or not, I can't afford to have my family associated with such controversies. Enough is enough; I will be pulling Amity from this wretched show, and I will make sure your daughter is punished."

"Talk about privile-" Camila began, but before she could finish her sentence, Dana cut her off abruptly, raising her voice to bring order to the room. "For all of our sakes, can we respectfully shut the fuck up?" Dana's stern tone demanded attention, and the room fell silent.

Taking control of the situation, Dana continued, "I just got out of an emergency Zoom call with the network executives. After hours of discussion, I managed to get them to reach an agreement on a plan moving forward."

Dana's eyes were sunken, and her hair a mess. The lack of sleep during the night was evident, leaving her with a worn and tired appearance. Dana turned on her PowerPoint, the screen casting a faint glow in the room. She faced the audience and directed their attention to a particular slide. "I was uncertain for a while how I could possibly fix this issue until my amazing partner helped me come up with an idea."

"Now, first off," she continued, her tone resolute, "I've decided from now on, I won't let this slide. This is my show, and I will not let your petty drama ruin it. I will not cater to you, regardless of status or who makes the better points. From now on, it is my way." The room fell silent.

Odalia, fixing her gaze on Dana, declared with a firm tone, "If you don't like this solution, I'll be pulling Amity from the production. As you so boldly declared, you won't cater to me, and it seems this arrangement won't be beneficial for us in the end."

Dana hardened her gaze not backing down.

"Well, I am confident you won't be doing that," Dana asserted, her tone unwavering. As Dana made her statement, Amity looked at her mother in shock. It was clear that, despite Odalia's declaration, Amity did not want to leave the show.

"Everyone, wave to the writers' team," Dana announced. "Writing is supposed to finish in pre-production, but yesterday, after I came up with an idea, I called them. I thought they wouldn't be interested, but instead, they were excited and immediately hopped on board for my idea. So the entire night, we stayed up and came up with ideas."

Dana clicked to switch the slides, and the screen displayed a montage of movie posters featuring the trope of enemies to lovers. As the room took in the visuals, Odalia and Camila exchanged puzzled glances. Sensing the confusion in the room, they voiced their questions simultaneously, "What's going on?"

Amity, however, had a different reaction. Realizing the continuing theme unfolding on the screen, her entire face turned red, and she blushed. Luz, noticing Amity's reaction, looked at her with confusion.

Dana, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, flipped to another slide, unveiling her idea. "I was thinking, what could I do about this problem? And then I realized, why not benefit from it? Luz and Amity are enemies, but what if they turn into... lovers?"

Camila was at a loss for words, her eyes widening in surprise. Odalia, on the other hand, was deep in thought, contemplating the implications of this proposal. Luz short-circuited at the news.

Odalia, still processing, questioned, "How is this beneficial for my family?"

Dana, ready with an answer, responded, "Well, first of all, with the change of direction, we will bring in your two other children, Ed and Em. Additionally, the queer community is huge and often underrepresented. Our show would gain popularity because of this because, guess what, people love inclusivity. When there isn't a lot of it, they will watch or read just about anything.

Dana, leaning in with excitement, added Moreover, this storyline would be beneficial for both Amity and Luz. It provides a chance for character development, showcasing growth and maturity in their relationship. It's an opportunity for them to break out of the mold of traditional narratives. Amity would gain a much bigger role in the story than just being the rival."

"For Amity, it's a chance to explore a different aspect of her character, breaking free from the constraints of a typical 'rival' role. Luz would gain a lot of public favor too because so many people will be able to relate with her and this story idea makes so much sense in the context of the story."

"But how is this going to stop their feuding on set?"

Dana, with a confident grin, responded, "Great question, Camila. This twist will force Luz and Amity into closer proximity, both on and off-screen. When you're working closely with someone, especially in emotionally charged scenes, you can't help but form a bond. It'll create a shared experience that goes beyond the script, and, over time, they might find common ground."

She continued, "And to make sure things smooth out, I'm considering bringing a counselor on set. Someone who can help them through the tensions, see past their differences, and focus on creating something amazing together. It's not just about the characters getting closer; it's about the actresses finding common ground as well."

"Now, I get it might not be as beneficial for Luz in the immediate sense, but it's an investment in her growth too. It might be tough, but it's through challenges that we truly discover our strengths. Luz will learn through this, and who knows, it might end up being a defining chapter in her journey as an actress."

She continued, "And let's be real here. This decision isn't just about the characters; it's about the professionalism of the actresses portraying them. I'm not yielding anymore. I won't let their behavior jeopardize this show. This change is a way to ensure they start pulling their weight, not just for the sake of their characters but for the sake of their careers too."

Camila, expressing her reservations, spoke up, "I may not be entirely comfortable with this change, but if it helps Luz keep her role and pushes her to grow, I'll accept it."

The room fell into a moment of silence as everyone awaited Odalia's decision. Odalia, after a thoughtful pause, nodded her head and agreed to the change of plans. "I see the potential benefits, and if it helps my daughter's career and the show, I'm on board with it,"

Dana, directing her question to Luz and Amity, asked, "Can you two handle this change?"

Luz hesitated, uncertainty on her face. "I'm not sure how I feel about it, but if it's necessary, I guess I can give it a shot."

Amity, on the other hand, nodded with resolution. "I find it beneficial, and I'm willing to respect the decision. Let's make it work."

As the meeting concluded, Camila stood up, ready to leave. Luz, in her haste to exit, forgot her bag. Camila exited the room first, and Luz, realizing her oversight, quickly turned back to retrieve her bag. As she reentered the room, she noticed Odalia whispering something into Amity's ear. The two seemed engrossed in a conversation.

Luz, feeling a bit uneasy after the whispered conversation, rushed out of the room and left without dwelling on the strange feeling that had settled within her.

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