Chapter 4

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Isabella Van Doren

As I walk into my last class, I spot Aurora and Emma sitting next to each other. I find myself hesitating, unsure if I should join them or choose another spot. Emma catches my indecision and signals for me to come over and sit with them. I make my way towards them.

"Why didn't you come over to us straight away?" Emma asks.

"I'm not sure," I respond. "This morning felt friendly, but I couldn't tell if it was just a gesture or if you genuinely wanted to be friends. You guys are like the group everyone wants to be a part of, and I'm just a scholarship student. I don't want to negatively impact your reputation," I rant, letting out my uncertainties about the situation.

"Of course, why wouldn't we want to be friends? I get where you're coming from, but honestly, you're overthinking it, love. Most of the other students want to be friends with us because of our family's wealth and power. They're just social climbers or trying to use us for money. But you're different; I can see you genuinely don't care about our money, and you're a genuinely nice person," Aurora reassures me, trying to comfort my concerns.

"Oh, thank god, sorry about my ranting. What were we talking about before I went on my little tirade?" I ask.

"We were discussing Van Doren, the designer brand. Both of us have our eyes set on a handbag from the company, but snagging one at retail is like finding a needle in a haystack. The supply is low, and the demand is through the roof. We could go the second-hand route, but the prices are inflated, and we're not keen on shelling out an extra 20k," Emma explains, a big smile on her face.

"Yeah, those bags are pretty sought-after, like Hermes, right?" I keep my response brief; after all, it's my company, and I take pride in it.

Aurora nods, a hint of sadness in her smile. "Exactly. You practically need to receive an offer to buy one."

Intrigued, I inquire, "So, which purse caught your eye?"

Emma whips out her phone and shows me a picture. It's a small, popular one. "I want the brown one, and Rora wants the black one."

I mentally note their preferences, already plotting how to get my hands on those bags for them. Delivery logistics can be sorted out later.

"I also heard the owner's identity is still unknown," I mention, curious about their thoughts on the matter.

Emma agrees, "Yeah, it's surprising how they're keeping it under wraps in this day and age. But hats off to the person who built the brand, just like with Elysian Attire in such a short time."

Aurora adds, "I'm dying to know who the owner is and how they managed to achieve such rapid success in just a few years." Little do they know that the owner sits right here. I'll reveal myself when the time is right.

"Hey Isabella, I forgot. Give me your number so we can chat more and I can add you to our group," Aurora suggests.

"Absolutely, here you go," I say, flashing a big smile. It's been a fantastic day. I've made friends on my first day and exchanged numbers with Emma and Aurora.

After wrapping up class, I bid Emma and Aurora farewell and make my way to the school parking lot. Unlocking my black Dodge Charger, I contemplate the impending replacement for my car, a decision fueled by the dividends soon to come. Whether it's a sportscar, G-Wagon, or Urus, the possibilities are exciting yet undecided.

Upon reaching our penthouse, I head straight to my office, a former bedroom transformed to meet the demands of managing a multi-billion dollar empire with my mom. The next few hours are dedicated to tackling emails and sketching designs. The office has a small walk-in closet. Here, I neatly organize my personal Van Doren collection, complete with a range of purses in different colors and other clothing we offer.

After I was done with my work, I didn't have homework yet since it was the first day of school. I head in to the kitchen where mum just arrived from her busy day of work.

I ask "hey mom, How was your day at work?"

She says with a sigh "Yeah very good, there were zero issues today, I worked further on the opening of our new stores in Europe"

"That's nice I hope everything will run smoothly since it's our first big project outside the US." i say

It will be good, don't stress about it. How was your first day at your new school? Did you make any new friends? she ask curiously 

"School went better then expected, and Actually yes, I wasn't really expecting my first day, but I have made some good friends with a group of 2 girls and 4 boys" I start explaining to her, who my friends were and the rest of my day. 

"Wow you made some good friends, Did you expect them to be so welcoming since they are popular group and one of the wealthiest families in New York." Mom asks

"No absolutely not, but luckily they are very nice" I say with grin 

"that's great. For dinner, I don't really wanna cook, so do you wanna get some take out?" She ask 

"Sure love it" I reply back

We start looking at what we are going to order and 30 minutes later we are eating dinner. After dinner I watch a movie and then I go to sleep. 

Next morning I wake up, I do my daily routine. Today the weather is very good, so My outfit is withe cargo pants along with a white crop top and and oversized black blazer. 

Time skip:

The bell rings, signaling the end of the last class before lunch. I had class with Alexander and Benjamin was just like any other day, filled with laughter and shared notes. As I gather my things, the anticipation of lunch grows, but before heading to the cafeteria, I decide to make a quick stop at the bathroom.

Inside, I focus on the task at hand when suddenly, five girls walk in, each one glaring at me. It doesn't take long to recognize them as the popular clique in school. Cassandra, their leader, wastes no time in throwing shade my way.

"Look who we have here, Miss Scholarship, friends with the elite," she sneers.

I let out a sigh, feeling annoyance and frustration building up. "What's your problem with that?" I retort.

Cassandra's tone sharpens, and her words cut deep. "Just that you're a slut and a gold digger, probably hooked up with all four of them."

My eyes start to well up, hurt by the cruel comments. Before Cassandra can continue her verbal assault, Aurora already entered that bathroom and had heard everything.

"Cassandra, if you think spewing that garbage will keep her away from us, you're dead wrong. Back off. If you ever threaten her again, I'll tear you down along with your entire crew."

The girls exit the bathroom, leaving me in a state of emotional turmoil. Aurora, sensing my distress, She gives me hug and says. "Forget about them; they're just jealous. You're not a slut or a gold digger. You have a heart of gold, don't forget that, okay?"

I nod, grateful for her support. After a few minutes, I regain composure, and Aurora suggests we skip the cafeteria and eat.

"I don't want anyone to see me right now," I confess.

"Let's eat outside; I know a place," she says, sending a text to the others about our change of plans. We leave the bathroom and the school, heading towards Aurora's sleek Ferrari F8.

"Wow, this car is sick," I remark, momentarily distracted.

Aurora laughs. "It's one of my favorites. Hop in."

Before we headed out, Aurora got a call from Alexander. She briefed him on the bathroom incident, and they decided to meet us for lunch. Our lunchtime turned out pleasant, although everyone was still upset about the earlier incident. Fortunately, the rest of the day went smoothly without any further issues.

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