Ch. 15: A Traditional Date

Start from the beginning

"Welcome," Zaziel said as we walked through the automatic door.

"It's gigantic." My mouth almost remained open in surprise at seeing the escalators in front of us that seemed to have no end. "Why is it so empty? I thought these kinds of places were filled with people."

"Usually it's packed with people but today I rented the entire mall for ourselves."

"How is that even possible?"

Zaziel put his arm around my waist and started leading me towards the stairs. "I know the alpha of the pack, he is one of our allies, I just had to put up the money to get it closed. It was easy."

"Easy for you." I playfully nudged him in the side. "You really are full of surprises."

The place was not how I had imagined it every time I heard my cousin talk about the mall while I was locked up in my uncle's mansion. The shop windows didn't seem all that special to me; Yes, some of them had clothes that caught my attention but they were not an entrance to paradise like my cousin made them sound.

Perhaps it was the fact that everything was empty that took away the magic, maybe it was the crowds that spread the shopping spirit.

Even so, my curiosity led me to stop several times to better observe the details around me. Zaziel let me move as I pleased, he followed me with a small smile on his face that sometimes grew depending on what I was doing.

Until we reached the third floor and Zaziel held my hand to stop me from running.

"On this floor you will find the best clothing stores," he told me. "Why don't you pick something you like?"

"Something like what?" I tilted my head to the side.

Zaziel started laughing and brushed his fingers under my cheekbone. "You look like a confused puppy, it's adorable," he told me, making me blush. "Look for anything you like. If you don't do it, I'll choose for you, one way or another you'll leave here with new clothes."

"Do you have any suggestions for where I could start?" The place was so big that I didn't know which store to go to first.

"I think I know what you might like."

I didn't know when Zaziel had analyzed me enough to know what clothes I would like but he had done a good job. Just by entering the store I spotted some clothes that I wanted to try on, however, I decided to take my time to look at everything carefully.

"I see I was right," Zaziel said, hugging me from behind. "Do you want to try something on?"

"Is it okay to grab clothes without the employees present?" I asked, pulling a dress from the racks.

"Don't worry about it, I already have it taken care of." He kissed my shoulder. "You can take all the clothes from the store if that's what you want."

"You're pampering me too much, you have to be careful or I might end up getting used to it," I joked.

"That's exactly what I hope."

The next half hour was a lot of fun. I tried on the clothes and Zaziel was waiting for me outside, sitting in a chair in front of the fitting room for me to come out to show him the outfits. I felt like going down on an imaginary runway while he made sure to shower me with compliments and gave me his honest opinion on the clothes.

By the time I got to the last item of clothing, I couldn't stop smiling.

I looked at myself once more in the mirror, enjoying what it reflected back to me. The black dress fit me perfectly, it hugged my body, highlighting my figure, and my butt looked fabulous in it. My favorite part was the deep cut on the back, leaving it almost completely exposed.

I was definitely going to take that dress with me.

"This is the last one," I said, leaving the changing room.

My walk to Zaziel was full of confidence, it's amazing what the right dress can do to one's attitude.

He looked at me as if he could devour me in that instant, his eyes ran over my body with a hunger that sent shivers down my spine.

"Come here," Zaziel told me, spreading his legs so I could stand between them.

I obeyed him without hesitation. I stood where he indicated and gave a slow turn so Zaziel could fully admire the dress.

"Fuck, kitten, you look perfect." He ran his hand down the side of my body. "Breathtaking."

I blushed and looked down to escape the intensity of my eyes.

Wrong decision, I thought as I spotted the bulge in his pants. The heat in my body kept rising, if it didn't stop the date would be interrupted for sure.

I was surprised when instead of attacking me with his characteristic passion, Zaziel grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed each of my knuckles, then the inside of my wrist, and finally my forearm.

"I don't think I can explain all the things I would want to do with you right now," he said, pushing my body toward him. Zaziel slid his hand to my butt and gave it a squeeze. "But we have dinner waiting for us and I'd hate to ruin the dress so soon."

"Dinner can wait a little longer," I whispered and moved closer to him to the point where his face was almost touching my breasts.

Zaziel let out a growl. "Don't tempt me now, kitten, not when I'm trying to take you on a decent date."

"And who says I need one?"

"I say it, I want to do things right just once." He stood up and hid his face in my neck. "Do me a favor and keep your dress on, you can wear it to dinner."

"Fine, let's go to dinner, I wouldn't want to ruin your efforts."

It turned out that on the upper floor of the mall there was a restaurant that had a beautiful view of the sky and Zaziel had requested that the employees of the place be present to serve us.

I would say it was the last surprise of the night, not because he took me to dinner but because the restaurant was not the one I would have expected Zaziel to choose. Instead of being fancy, it had a cozy atmosphere, with flowers hanging from the ceilings and small wooden tables.

He made me relax to the point where half of the dinner passed before I realized it. The conversation flowed from personal tastes to anecdotes that Zaziel had about the other members of the rogues. I found myself giggling at the alpha's comments and wishing that dinner would never end.

"Thanks," I said smiling. "I have never experienced anything like what I experienced today."

Zaziel took my hand on the table and began to caress my knuckles.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wanted us to be able to have a moment of peace among so many complications. To be honest, I can't promise you that these types of dates will be normal in our relationship. My life is surrounded by danger and death. I'm not complaining, I chose it to be like this, and as long as you are with me you will not be able to have a normal life."

"Good, because I don't want a normal life. I like to think there's a reason the Moon Goddess chose you as my mate, I think I want the danger that comes with the life of a rogue."

"If that's what you want, I assure you that I can give you the life of your dreams. Get ready, the best is about to come."


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