𝟗. ✭ 𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑 ✭

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It wasn't hard to convince Evelyn to give me all the information regarding my son. Where he would be. When he would be there. Malyssa had called about Brooks in a vicious manner, but to our complete surprise, Evelyn sounded relieved. She was more than willing to give her the information. After the way Malyssa tore that woman a brand new asshole the last time she'd talked to her I was shocked.

I did have a good laugh when I'd learned where he was though. Malyssa had rolled her eyes and said of course he's in Denver. I may have said something about being irresistible to which Luke had then implied I'm more incorrigible than anything. There was no argument to be made because, indeed, I'm a bit of both. Incorrigibly irresistible, as I would like to think of myself as.

There's eighteen other men in the room at this point, half of which are seated in chairs. The other half are standing studiously behind them, guarding them. I'm the only man in the room without someone planted next to me like a guard dog. I grimace at the thought that that's the part my son played for so long for Dedaj.

Speaking of the devil, my son appears at the main entrance, and devil is the correct word to use, especially after I eye the mask adorning his face. And even though almost all of him is completely covered, nearly head-to-toe, I would recognize him anywhere. Ever so confidently, arrogantly, he strides into the room. All eyes are on him, aside from his intended target; ironically.

How anyone could mistake that swagger for anyone else's is beyond me. It screams command. Attention. Authority. Dominance. Each determined, albeit cocky step is like an unspoken promise of malicious intention.

Another glance around the room has me smirking beneath my mask. All of the paid muscle have taken a step or two closer to who they've been hired to protect. They didn't miss the pure threat that just naturally exuded from my son. No one needed to utter a word aloud. The word just hung in the air; menace. Although I probably shouldn't feel necessarily proud of that... I can't help the fact that I am.

Torey is not one to be fucked with. None of my family are. I'm glad the room got the informal memo aside from Polat. And that man, well, with the way Torey is silently conversing with him at the moment, still hasn't even fathomed to begin to understand who he fucked with.

But he's about to find out...

I take a sip of my drink as the lights dim simultaneously. Music blares and the show in front of me is quite... delicious. If Mal were here I know she'd be whispering about a million dirty things in my ear. She'd be teasing me with all of the filthy shit she would do to the two women in front of me. I know she would. The voyeur in me itches uncomfortably as I watch them, longing for her presence. Because I know she'd probably be in my lap, ass pressed against my crotch and hand threaded through my hair as her head lulls on my shoulder, my ear to her lips as she whispered all of the hottest shit in the world to me.


Head. Out of the gutter. Now.


I'm thankful when the show is over and the whistle let out from my son tells me he enjoyed the show as well. The apple definitely did not fall far... Not even a little bit.

The Turkish diplomat turns to say something to my son and within seconds my son has whipped out and planted a blade in the man's leg. The scream let out by the man has everyone going into action. Time slows in moments like these for me, the adrenaline that naturally courses through my system making everything that much clearer. After years of this lifestyle, it's an automatic response.

It feels like forever and no time at all that my son has stabbed the man. He's now flipping over his chair, tossing either side of his suit jacket back while unholstering two guns as he lands solidly on one leg, the other planting into Polat's bodyguard's face. Bullets fly in his direction but he dodges them with more agility than his size would suggest he is capable of. He fires back with precision taking out three men with ease.

Not wanting to get hit by a stray bullet, I make my way to the back of the room, where the stage entrance is. I peer around to see if anyone is coming and see no one even though all I can hear behind me is pure chaos. Satisfied no one will be coming from this direction I make my way back.

Torey is currently breaking a man's arm while shooting another that had been running toward him. He just nearly dodges a punch to the face as he lets go of the limp limb that'd been in one hand. He delivers a punishing elbow to the man's dome in return. And I don't need to be next to them to hear it because I know he had effectively demolished his face.

Two men grab ahold of him while another tries to snatch the mask off my son's face. Torey's head swivels to the side before head-butting the man in front of him, devil horns gorging out the man's eyes as Torey rips his head back. But the intention had his opposer's desired effect; the horns had sunk so far into the man's skull it'd torn the mask from his face, revealing him to everyone.

There's an audible gasp from everyone in the room in which time seems to suspend itself. Shock and disbelief are practically palpable. The men holding him let go and take a step away, like their very fingers had been burned from the realization of the person they'd been holding onto. Everyone in this world knows that to go up against a Warner-Riley means they may as well have signed their own personal death warrant.

"It... it can't be..." Polat is hobbling backward, toward the stage; toward me. "You're dead..." He begins to stumble back faster until he crashes into my steadfast frame. He turns around, looking startled. I wrap my hand around the man's neck, wanting nothing more than to strangle the life out of this man for nearly killing my son.

A gun cocks while Torey's menacing words call throughout the now quiet room, "let him the fuck go. He's mine."

I hold up the hand not wrapped around Polat's throat with, "oh, I am more than aware." Turning toward him cautiously, I take my mask off in the same fashion before tossing it to the side. His eyes are filled with amusement. "I'd have it no other way, Son." The way people say they feel a cold spot when they feel a dead person's presence, well, that same sentiment could be shared with everyone in this room as they all visibly shiver. I'm sure every single one of their blood is running colder than ice. "I suggest if you all don't want to die you make you make yourself useful. Plant yourself outside of this door and make sure no one comes in while my son has his way with this man." Because all that was left was a few of the hired help. My son had decimated the rest.

"Oh," Torey addresses the men left, "uhm, make sure you spread word of the devil who came back from the dead. Because I am back and I am here for vengeance."

Happy Easter!
I hope you are all doing good and have been handling 2024 well. To think a quarter of the year has already come and gone is insane to me. But anyway, here we are. Enjoy your Easter, if you celebrate it, and if you don't, then enjoy your day.

Much love to you all! xx
- Andi -

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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