Twenty Nine

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Damon was in the bathtub.

I figured if something was going to get dirty, better that than his bed.

Plus there was the added benefit that he was generally supported and I could at least wash his face and hands, anywhere his skin was exposed beyond carefully rolling up his sleeves. I was afraid to do much else. I held a blood bag to him, trying to coax him to drink.

"I used those spells you gave me." Bonnie hung back by the doorway. "That's really advanced magic."

"Thank you." As strong as the Originals were, they were still somewhat beholden to the laws of nature. "And the Gilbert boy?"

"Jeremy's safely tucked away. Elena pretty much agreed to your plan the second I asked her about it."

That's because it'd give their little squad a win.

"Good. If you have anyone else you love, I would make sure they're well hidden before the sun rises." They wouldn't come after me quite yet.

"I can't get over how quickly you switched sides."

"I'm full of surprises." Being a Mikaelson was complicated. It was constantly a game of chess, always with high stakes.

"Like how you know so many spells?"

I paused, trying very hard not to snap. It wasn't her that deserved my anger. "Bonnie, dear, I understand that you're curious, but why do you have to ask questions when I'm covered in blood?"

She crossed her arms. "I've never met a vampire who knows magic."

"That's because there's not that many of us." I gave up trying to get Damon to drink, and picked up a sponge. "Most vampires will only call on a witch when they need something. Which is likely why vampires and witches have such a distaste for one another."

A lot of witches died that night in New Orleans. I regretted it. I wish I hadn't been so blinded by my own anger that I didn't see Rebekah's deception for what it was.

"Maybe those witches wanted to help a friend."

"I have a feeling you're referring to one in particular."

Bonnie frowned. "I can't be the only one who protects those they love."

"I've met many witches in my lifetime. Few would protect a very human doppelgänger out of loyalty. Especially when the entire supernatural population knows Nik was after her. Hell people still went after Kathrine, a five hundred year old, powerful vampire, myself included, because Nik wanted her."

"He's not going to stop is he? Now that Elena's blood makes his hybrids."

"No. He isn't. He might keep her alive for the sole purpose of getting her to continue the doppelgänger line, but if one of you were to threaten his access to her blood, I guarantee you, you'll never see her again."

Bonnie considered it. "I had the power to stop him. The ancestors wanted me to. They gave it to me."

"That much would've killed you."

She looked down, wrapping her arms around herself. "I was going to go through with it, I felt his life in my hands."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. It was like the magic was drained from my system."

Odd. "You said the ancestors gave it to you?"


I stopped cleaning Damon up, and he seemed content to rest. "Would any of that magic feel familiar if you got to it again?"

"I guess. Grams said magic is like a fingerprint. Your signature is specific to you."

"That's true. Your Grams seems like a smart lady."

"She was." Oh. "She died trying to undo the tomb spell."

"I'm sorry." Hopefully it wasn't to help that bitch, Kathrine. "If it's any consolation, witches are known to hang around after death to watch over their loved ones. She's not gone."

"I knew I felt her presence."

"Look into New Orleans witches. They have a deep connection with their ancestors and you might be able to adopt something from their methods and communicate with her. Though if you do, be weary. They're not very fond of outsiders, even those of their own kind."

Kol helped to found their roots in the city and as I grew up, they kind of took me under their wing when he'd visit.

He always did have a soft spot for them.

Proud as they were, they had one for him too, or at least, the ones that were around then.

I really did need to check on them, now that I wasn't on the run and jumping at my own shadow.

"New Orleans has witches?"

"New Orleans was settled by vampires. For a time, they peacefully cohabitated with wolves and witches. Then the city caught on fire and it drove the vampires away."

Bonnie frowned. "Why?"

I laughed. "Vampires aren't exactly the settling type. Mysterious fires start in their homes? They're gone."

"Don't suppose we could start something like that in the Mikaelson's house?" She was only half joking.

"Trust me, that's not a can of worms you want to open. Fire can't hurt them in the way it hurts Damon or I. Nothing can kill them." Nothing I'd willingly admit.

I wasn't entirely suicidal.

"Nature won't let something that powerful exist without some kind of balance. There has to be a way."

I opened my mouth but was cut off by a shout from outside.

"Morgan!" Oh god. Here we go.

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