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"Do you think Matt's okay?"

Rebekah and I glanced at one another. Spooking the locals had been fun. It was something to do while we looked for the necklace.

Nik had taken a reluctant Stefan when we'd split up, despite my protestations that he and I stick together.

Because this was leading to someone's death and I didn't care if it was anyone else except my idiotic brothers.

And Tyler.

There was a sigh. "He probably doesn't have a lot of people to talk to anymore. He's struggling more than he's letting on."

"I just want this year to be great, you know? I want all our friends to be happy in the midst of all the crazy bits."

"I'm happy." Wait. That was Tyler.

I grabbed Rebekah's arm. "I want to do that one. If you want to continue."

"Right. Nik'll kill me if I let you out of my sight so that'll be a no."

"He doesn't have to know. I'm not going to tell him." I pleaded. "C'mon Bekah."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. But if Nik finds out..."

"He won't!"

Rebekah sighed and walked away.

Cool. That didn't take much convincing.

I think she's as bored as I am.

"When are you going to tell me about this mystery girl? You have been smitten since Elena's party."

"I'm not smitten."

I crept to the classroom door.

"Please. You grin every time your phone goes off."



"I'm going to go get more honey." There were footsteps.

"Tyler Lockwood. As your best friend, I demand to know!" She called after him as he pushed the door open.

He and I made eye contact and I pressed a finger to my lips. There were vampires here after all.

"I'll be back in a minute." Tyler grabbed my hand and I used my speed to drag us deeper into the school.

Hopefully away from prying ears.

I found a dark, untouched classroom that looked like it hadn't been used in years. I tugged him inside.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered. "I mean, not that I'm not happy to see you, but-"

"Klaus is here." Tyler paled.


"They'll rip you apart if they find out about the party or that we've been texting at all. They're overly protective. You need to let him do what he need to do and then he's going to leave. Stay out of his way."

His brow furrowed. "He's here for Elena, isn't he?"

"Not her specifically. He tracked her necklace. It used to belong to his mother and he thinks it's the only thing standing between him and his hybrid army. As far as I know you're the only wolf in this little group of yours. I've seen what his blood will do to you. Don't get involved."

Tyler paused, a sly grin stretching his lips. "You're worried about me."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Now promise me."

"I promise."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Good."

He stepped into my space. "I missed you."

"It was barely a month."

"I can't stop thinking about you." His hands drifted to my sides.

"This is a bad idea." Nik and Rebekah were both still on the building.

Tyler grinned and leaned closer. "I love bad ideas."

"Yeah but this one in particular is really shitty."

He hummed, before finally kissing me. I grasped his face and he picked me up, setting me on the nearest desk.

Then his hands were slipping under my shirt.

I leaned back with a laugh. "We're not going that far. We might get caught. I can maybe calm them down if we're just kissing but if you touch..."

"Why don't we get out of here then?"

"You think you can sneak past two originals?"

He shrugged. "Why not?"

"It's kind of nice that you're not scared of them." Which made him either suicidal or stupid.

"They're just vampires."

Stupid it was.

There was a scream. I grabbed his arm before he could go. "Don't. I don't want Nik to even know you exist."

"He's going to hurt my friends."

"You're not strong enough to stop him. You'll end up dead. Please Tyler. I'll go. Maybe I can stop him. At least, I have a better chance than you do." It was a lie. There was no saving Elena.

He frowned.

"Get your other friends out of here."

"I'll see you again soon?"

I pecked his lips. "I think I'll be able to slip away. Text me?"


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