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"Welcome to Chicago." Nik held his hands out wide as he lead the way down the street.

"Is there an end to this road trip or are we meant to just spend the majority of our time in the car?"

Stefan glanced between us. He wanted to know too but wouldn't say. In fact, he was rather quiet. Had been pretty much this whole time.

Which was odd for Stefan, at least the one I used to know. He was much broodier now. It was actually kind of off putting.

"If I give you blood, will you stop this excessive grumpiness?" Nik opened the door to a dark bar.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so grumpy if you didn't dagger me."

His brow rose. "Would you like to rethink that particular statement?"

I licked my lips. "Maybe."

"Might I remind you that you put yourself in that predicament."

"I know." I crossed my arms, and ducked inside the bar. "I'm allowed to be sullen about it just the same."

"I still don't understand what was so bad that she had to get daggered." Stefan followed closely behind.

"Stop pushing."

"He's been bothering you?" Nik's attention was now on Stefan.

"No. We've already had a conversation about it." Best not to trigger that overprotectiveness in Nik. "And he knows exactly where I stand."

"Is that so?" His tone made me tense.

"Nik. It's fine. Stefan's going to stop asking, aren't you?" Luckily, he seemed to have an ounce of intelligence because he quickly nodded. "See, no need to get all pissy."

"I'd like to remind you," Nik threw his arm around Stefan, his tone deceptively cheery. "That while she may be your biological sibling, Morgan is my family, and if you do not treat her with more respect than you show me, I will personally ensure your head goes on a spike in that precious town of yours, where all your loved ones can see it, though not before I've shown you the very depths of agony."


"Peace, little one, I'm only ensuring big brother understands your position here. Your continued persistence that he live will only stretch so far."

"That doesn't give me very much peace."

Nik chuckled, opening his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by someone else.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Gloria." Stefan's brow furrowed. "Shouldn't you be..."

"Old and dead? Now if I died, who's gonna run this place?"

"She's a very powerful witch." Nik offered.

"I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells mostly, but don't worry, it'll catch up to me some day."

"You look ravishing."

I gagged. "Do I have to watch you flirt?"

"Why don't you find something from the bar." Nik nodded in that direction. "Stefan can go with you if he wishes."

"I'll add that to your tab. I'm sure you'll be here a while." Gloria seated herself at an empty table.

"I like her." I grinned before doing as told, Stefan at my heels.

"I know why you're here." She didn't even try to hide her distain. Which, props to her. "Hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels."

"What am I doing wrong?" The vampire he'd turned the other night had survived, but met a quick death after a few too many snarky remarks. "I broke the curse."

Stefan stepped behind the bar and handed me something. I traded it out for a stronger kind.

"Obviously you did something wrong. Every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old... we'd have to contact the witch who created it."

Alcohol helped curve the cravings. I wished I had blood, but I'd make do, there'd be no way I could sneak some, even if I somehow got out of Nik's line of sight, he'd know if I fed.

"Well that would be the original witch. She's very dead."

"I know, and for me to contact her, I'll need help." My phone buzzed, and I gladly took the opportunity to talk to Tyler. This was boring anyway, I was only half paying attention. "Bring me Rebekah."

"Rebekah." Nik huffed. "Rebekah is a bit preoccupied."

Yeah. Being daggered.

"She has what I need. Bring her to me."

Stefan grabbed something off the wall. A piece of paper maybe, but I couldn't see it from here. He only stared at it in confusion. "What is this?"

That got Nik and Gloria's attention.

I looked up. "What the fuck?"

It was a picture.

Nik and Stefan.

The Good DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin