Talks by The Fountain

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Upon our arrival at the mansion, Brook was promptly whisked away by her date, who had generously sent a driver to collect us. He was undeniably handsome, with jet-black hair cascading down his shoulders and a tall, slightly muscular frame—an embodiment of wealth and allure that would captivate any woman. His opulent home, where the party was being held, mirrored his lavish lifestyle both inside and out.

As we stepped foot into the mansion, I struggled to contain my awe at the sight of the grand staircase that greeted us. Glass chandeliers hung overhead, casting a luxurious glow as we were guided by a staff member through the extravagant interior and out into the garden where the festivities awaited. Ornate furnishings, high ceilings dripping with sophistication, it all felt like a scene plucked from a movie.

Initially, the prospect of being in such a magnificent setting had excited me. The garden sprawled expansively, adorned with twinkling lights and a shimmering pool that danced in the moonlight. Despite Brook having left my side, I shot her an encouraging glance as she glanced back at me, silently mouthing the words 'I told you so.' Helping myself to a glass of champagne offered by a passing waiter, I swayed lightly to the music, trying to immerse myself in the atmosphere.

However, my attempts at blending in were disrupted by the presence of someone standing beside me. With a sidelong glance, I continued sipping my drink, attempting to ignore the subtle scrutiny I could feel emanating from them.

"I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable, you're just so pretty," the man said turning to face me fully.

Putting on a faux smile, I briefly glanced in their direction, their features were partly covered by the dim lights and thanked him before looking away from him.

I knew being at social events, you must socialize but if I'm being frank, I didn't want to, despite the appeal of being in a new environment. I was there to be a supportive friend who would also get a cut from said friend's future tips at the club.

"What's your name?" he proceeded to ask.

"I'm not trying to be rude but I not really in the mood to talk."

"Not really into parties, huh?" he chuckled cocking his head to the side, "neither am I. We can always go into one of the rooms and not talk there," he suggested reaching out in an attempt to touch me. Moving away I took a few steps back to create some distance between us, narrowing my eyes, I shook my head.

"Not interested," I replied, turning to leave I was stopped in my tracks at the feel of a hand around my arm.

"I won't hurt you".

Smacking the hand away as the irritation tumbled out, my nostrils flared at the sight of a lop-sided grin the imbecile wore. "Well, I will, so fuck off!" I seethed and briskly walked off.

Thankfully, the bustling crowd provided ample cover as I slipped away from the persistently clueless guy who couldn't take a hint. Eventually, I found myself ascending a set of steps leading to a secluded corner of the grounds, an area that resembled a maze to anyone unfamiliar with the space, adorned with scattered statues.

Taking refuge on a bench beside a serene fountain, I let out a heavy sigh, allowing my eyes to drift shut momentarily as I rolled my tense shoulders. Despite encountering countless clients with a tendency towards aggression or men who believed they were entitled to my time, I couldn't shake the irritation that bubbled beneath the surface.

"Looks like you found my hiding spot," a deep voice spoke, involuntarily my eyes popped open at not only the realization I wasn't alone but the twinge of familiarity I felt.

I've heard that voice before.

As my gaze fell upon a figure I hadn't noticed before, emerging on the opposite side of the fountain, I quickly composed my expression.

It was the private room guy. Not the most flattering nickname, I'll admit, but it was the only one I had for him. I didn't know his real name, and I definitely didn't want to refer to him as "Cum guy" like Brook did. As he stood before me, his eyes tracing over my form, I tensed. Thankfully, we had met at a time when I wore a mask, and I was relieved that he didn't seem to recognize me.

"S-Sorry, I'll leave," I rushed out as my heart began to race even more.

Making a move to stand I stopped in my tracks when he spoke, "It's okay, I don't mind sharing."

He smiled gently and I relaxed a bit against my seat, he wore a simple white shirt that sat on his upper body in a way that suited him along with dark blue pants. "So what are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same," I countered leaning back to stare at his face, his brow rose, and he looked away briefly.

"Well, I don't like crowds, as much as this party is for me, I can't really get myself to enjoy anything about it."

My brows rose in surprise, so he's friends with that guy.

"Why have a party then?"

He chuckled moving to occupy the seat next to me on the far side of the bench and kept a respectable distance, "Considering it wasn't thrown at my home, I had no control whatsoever over the planning. Plus, part of me hoped the party would turn out to be fun. What about you?" he chuckled glancing in my direction.

I shrugged my shoulders and took notice of his eyes immediately diminishing my curiosity around their colour.

They were green.

"Not feeling the party," I kept my response short and brief resulting in him simply nodding his head.

"If I had been the planner I would have been offended, I mean did you see the chocolate fountain?"

Snickering at him whistling lowly I replied, "Younger me would have lost my mind seeing it, but I've developed a more savoury taste over the years so don't really have a sweet tooth."

"I'm the opposite, if it hadn't been for all those people, I wouldn't be sitting here like a long-lost puppy."

"And here I thought those were all your friends," I laughed lightly feeling myself grow a bit relaxed.

"No, I mean I did go to school with some of them, but most of them are acquaintances. It's really Neil who I can say I'm close with."

"So, what I'm hearing is you only have one friend," I smirked watching his cheeks flush lightly at the humour in my tone.

"For someone who I allowed to stay and hide away from the party, you're quite mean."

My smile widened hearing him laugh, the sound was quite nice to hear, "What can I say, I call it like it is, if that means I'm mean then so be it," I replied in a haughty tone reaching up to tuck a loose curl that fell from the high bun I made.

"Your tattoo it's interesting," he mumbled pointing to the intricate mandala wrist tattoo I had gotten over a year ago. And just when I was about to reply I was interrupted by the sound of my phone to see a text from Brook asking where I was reminding me, I hadn't come here alone.

"I should go, my friend is probably looking for me," I said abruptly standing up, "it was nice speaking to you and you should go back and try make the most of the party," I said looking down at him. Not waiting for a response, I quickly turned on my heels and left.

Leaving the guy from the private room in the garden, alone.

Signed, Sealed... I'm YoursWhere stories live. Discover now