Chapter 22

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Achilles Heel

Beating, beating, beating. Your heart raced inside your chest, a few dots of sweat broke over your skin as you stood there in the corner of his office and watched. Like an outsider, peeking in through a tiny hole onto what is settling and being now as your reality. You could swear that you felt like you weren't only watching them, but you were watching yourself, too. As you breathed heavy, as you wrapped your arms around yourself and made your presence as small as possible. Your eyes, panicky and helpless, stared at him, Erwin, as he stood behind his desk. Full uniform back on, eyes heavy with so much tiredness, you could see how it's taking everything in him to stay collected, to keep himself standing on his feet. To remain calm. As the sleepless hours since yesterday fell upon him, as the stress of the pressing situation was about to crush over him, and finally, as they all rushed inside the office. One after the other, dashing inside after Levi. Hange, Miche, and finally, Hina. Who didn't see you at first. Her eyes were panicking, same as you, and glued to Erwin's face. You see worry in her gaze, you see apprehension and you see immense fear.

She's thinking it, too...

"A map." Erwin says, his voice stern and too strained. "Where's the goddamn map?" Then he shoots Hina a glance. And like she got burned by his glare, she flinches and quickly rushes to get one.

"Who sent the report?" Hange says, their voice was calmer than Erwin's. Standing in front of his desk, hands on their sides. Aiming their question at Levi.

"The team of scouts we had sent earlier to Utgard Castle. They reported back that a few titans have been spotted near the west wall." His eyes are glued to Erwin's face as he answered them. "And that's not all..."

A knot formed between Erwin's brows. "What is it?"

"There is another one." Levi says, his eyes are still on Erwin. A mask of concern shadowing over his face. "One just like the colossal and the armored titan that appeared five years ago..."

"What?" Hange exclaimed.

Another one!!?

"Here!" Hina came back with the map, Erwin snatched it quickly from her and laid it over the desk. They all circled it with him. Still watching from the outside, you didn't dare to make not one move towards it. You were fully aware that you're not a part of this. What you were thinking is, that you need to get going. As soon as possible. You need to leave and head back to your room. Change into your uniform, and get into standby along your comrades.

And then what?

Dread was overfilling you as they kept on talking. Erwin mostly. His tone more confident and calm now. He was instructing them and dividing up teams and units as quick as possible. You gathered a few informations. You listened to his instructions and the urgent plan he laid. But midst his talking, you suddenly felt eyes. Eyes picking your spot and singling you out in the room. And suddenly you're not an outsider anymore, but you're being pulled to be a part of this room. You're a part of them. When her burning glare meets yours for the first time since that morning before the trip and she mutters. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Erwin stops talking, and so is everyone. They all glance at Hina, puzzled by her tone, then quickly follow her gaze back to you. Standing near the door. Your eyes slightly wide and your panic too evident on your face. Your breath hitches in a faint gasp.

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