Chapter 12

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Foolish Food

It's a chaotic morning, as usual, and an even more chaotic breakfast when you sit yourself down at your friends' table. The excitement of being signed officially as scouts seems to be still running through all of your comrades. And now that they got a little taste of what it's going to be like because of their little expedition, they did not and could not shut up. And again, their excitement didn't quite reach you.

Because first, you missed it thanks to your illness. And second, if there's one thing you'd be excited about, it'd be the one thing, one person, that rocked you to sleep last night. That held you tightly, whispered sweet words in your ear as you drifted to sleep that you can't even bring yourself to recall. That warmth and safety you felt, the easiness that washed over your heart, as you listened to his breathing, felt his hands touching you like you're theirs. And you are, in fact, theirs. To touch and hold and do whatever. You. Are. His.

He said it, screamed it right into my face...

The memory of your night with Erwin in your bed seems to send a shiver down your back and you sit yourself upright instantly.


"Hey..." Connie nods at you, sitting two chairs to the left in front of you. "Pass the butter." He says then his eyes give you a suspicious glance, then he adds. "Why are you smiling?"

"Huh?" You reach for the butter to pass it to him. Your face instantly flattens, even though you didn't realize you were smiling in the first place. "And why can't I smile?"

Connie takes the plate, his eyes narrowing, still looking at you. "It's weird seeing you smiling like that, don't do it again."

"Like what?" Now you're lifting your brows at him. Jean, sitting next to Connie, hears your conversation.

"Y/N actually has a pretty smile." He comments then takes a bite from his toast, his eyes looking at it as he chews, then he looks up and winks at you and says. "Don't listen to him, you should smile more." His words are barely sounding out of his full mouth.

That's... weirdly nice of him!

Connie lets out a loud laugh, then his hand slaps Jean over the shoulder, hard. "Damn man, give the rest of us a chance, will you?"

Jean rolls his eyes and sips his tea then finds your gaze. "I wasn't flirting." He says as Connie keeps on talking in the background.

Your mouth cracks a soft smile. "I know."

Connie's voice comes back. "I'm just saying hide your women everybody, Jean is on a spree... OW!" A slap on the back of his head, from Jean. Then a hard shove, then Connie is coughing as he chokes on his toast. Now Sasha is rushing to him, while Jean is still cussing and glaring and you're laughing so hard at them, that your mind failed to notice the person who pulled the chair in front of you and sat down.

Not until a pair of boots rested over the wooden table, heavily, that the plates shook and you looked to see Ymer's piercing eyes staring at you. She leans herself back in her seat with her arms crossed against her chest. "Hi." She's smiling.

This can't be good...

"Um..." Ymer is never nice to you, and the smile over her lips is nothing but sly. "Hi?"

"How are you feeling?" She asks, her eyes never leaving your face. Something malicious is dancing in her gaze it makes you immediately put down your fork and gulp. The whole table is still talking and Connie and Jean's bickering is just background noises at this point so it's only you and her.

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