"My Addy..." Mum's voice, a last tender whisper, lingered in the vanishing dream.

"Do not fear your power," Mum's parting words echoed with a sense of encouragement and guidance, reverberating through my consciousness.

The abrupt shift from the dream world to reality jolted me awake. I bolted upright in my bed, my chest heaving with the remnants of the dream's emotional intensity. Slowly, the details of my surroundings seeped into my consciousness—a familiar room, their shared chambers. The vividness of the dream lingered, leaving me grappling with emotions that lingered between the realms of sleep and wakefulness.

I awoke to Elijah's familiar voice, a mix of concern and reassurance echoing in the dimly lit room. My gaze, still hazy with remnants of sleep, fell upon Elijah's figure, his silhouette cast against the soft glow filtering through the curtains.

"You're back," Elijah's voice, tinged with relief, reached my ears.

"Elijah?" My voice, laden with confusion, cut through the lingering fog of my mind.

"The others are interrogating Harold. I've been on watch for you today," Elijah explained, his tone filled with a sense of duty.

"Today? What do you mean...how long has it been?" My voice quivered with disbelief.

"Four days," Elijah replied matter-of-factly. My eyes widened, feeling as if they had detached from their sockets in sheer disbelief. Four days? It felt impossible as if time had slipped through my fingers like grains of sand.

"I've been asleep for four days?" My incredulous tone was laced with disbelief.

"Honestly, I am surprised it hasn't been longer," Elijah remarked, a tinge of concern creeping into his voice.

My confusion painted my features as I glanced downward, catching sight of a thin needle embedded in my arm. Horror surged through me, startling me to exclaim, "Oh god."

Elijah chuckled softly, moving towards my bedside with a reassuring gesture for my arm. I instinctively turned my gaze away as he carefully removed the needle. He slowly removed the tap holding the needle in place, making me tense at the thought of the needle.

"Didn't think you'd be scared of needles," Elijah remarked, a gentle tease woven into his words.

"I just don't like things in my veins, thanks," I replied, a touch of sarcasm hiding my underlying discomfort as I felt the needle exit my arm making me cringe.

"Too bad you're mated to two upirs," Elijah quipped lightly making me give out a short laugh. "Ha. Ha. Very funny," I retorted with a wry smile before sighing to myself.

The conversation shifted, and concern etched itself onto my expression as I inquired, "When you say interrogating...?"

"I think you know what is happening," Elijah replied, a sombre edge to his voice making my heart drop in my chest.

My heart raced with worry, prompting me to leave the bed in my sleep dress abruptly. Elijah's urgent call faded as I sprinted down the halls, driven by an overwhelming need to reach my beloveds, my feet fueled by determination. Yet, an unfamiliar force seemed to seize my movements, halting my progress abruptly. A surge, an inexplicable sensation, rippled through my veins, grounding me in place. It was Elijah's blood magic—its unseen influence holding me captive.

"Elijah!" My desperate plea echoed down the corridor as I gritted my teeth together at the feeling of magic coursing through my body, It felt intrusive, and the weight of my limbs felt as if it had tripled.

"You didn't listen to me," Elijah's voice held a mix of regret and caution as he neared towards me.

"Elijah, let me go!" My tone, a blend of frustration and anguish, pleaded for freedom. That asshole, using his powers against me and freezing me in my spot like a glued mouse.

Book I: Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now