✰ 41: are you alright?

Start from the beginning

"Wow," Akya said quietly.  That meant they'd been in that facility for at least 20 hours, out cold in that prison cell. 

"How was the time you did spend with Anakin?"

"Exhausting," laughed Akya.  "But fun.  He's my friend.  I'll always put up with him."  Friend.  Good one.

"He's an enigma," said Ahsoka. "But he's a good Master."

"You know what he did?" Akya said.  "I was mid fight with Dooku, totally losing, and he let me use his lightsaber.  Mind you, I'm not the greatest at dual saber combat.  I should take some tips from you.  But there I was, two lightsabers, and still losing miserably."

"You probably held him off for longer than I would have."

Akya shrugged.  "I tried."

"Well, you're alive, and you're walking," said the Togruta.  "Plus you have all your limbs. That certainly says something."

"Thanks," Akya chuckled.  "How was your day with Obi-Wan?"

"Pretty exciting, actually," Ahsoka said.  "He's not all routine like Anakin says he is."

"He's just got a reputation," shrugged Akya.  "I'm thankful for him."

"Why didn't they give you Anakin as your master, anyway?" she said, tilting her head.  "Don't most Padawans know their master before graduating to the level?"

"Anakin and I are the same age," explained Akya.  "It would have been a little weird." Not to mention the ongoing romance, Akya's thoughts continued. Master and Padawan would have just been pushing it. 

"That's true."

"Thanks for taking care of Obi-Wan for me," said Akya.  The droid had Akya lay on her back so that she could wrap up her leg, where there was a wide gash on the back of her thigh.  She hadn't even realized she'd hit the edge of that wall Dooku had thrown her against— the adrenaline must have kept her going. 

Ahsoka chuckled. "No problem," she smiled.  "I'd say the same, but neither you nor Anakin were very responsible for each other."

Akya laughed.

"I'm gonna let you rest," said Ahsoka.  "I'll see you in a little while."

"See you," said Akya.  "Let me know when Anakin comes back."

Ahsoka smiled and nodded, then walked out the medbay door, leaving Akya to close her eyes and allow the nurse droid to proceed with its job.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

Akya was fully patched up within the next couple of minutes and got a good couple hours of rest before a short knock on the door woke her from her slumber.  She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes as Ahsoka stepped into the room with a smile on her face.  "Someone's here to see you," she said with a smile, stepping aside and allowing her master to step into the room.

"Hey, Padawan," he greeted her with the nickname, walking over to where she sat.  "How are you feeling?"

"Better," Akya answered.

Ahsoka took another step towards the door. "I'll leave you two alone," she said.  Akya looked to her face and wasn't sure if she saw a wink or a blink, but nonetheless, smiled in thanks at the Togruta.  She walked out the door, and it closed behind her.

"Does she know?" Akya turned to Anakin.

"Know what?"

"About us."

"What? No.  You really think I'd tell her?"

"Well, I wouldn't care if you did, she just... seemed like she knew something. I thought she winked at me."

"I doubt that," continued Anakin, taking a seat beside her on the cot. "To her knowledge, we're just close friends.  That's all."

"I wouldn't mind if you told her," said Akya.  "She doesn't seem like the type to tell secrets.  You know, I told her you were the one who connected me to the Force."

"You did?" Anakin tilted his head.

"Yeah, actually.  A while ago.  She's the only one who knows."

"Well, this is bigger than that," said Anakin.  "Let's just stay careful."

"Alright," said Akya, nodding.

Anakin looked down and began playing with the sheets on the cot. "Listen, Akya, I came here..." He took a deep breath. "I came here to say I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Akya repeated. "Sorry for what?"

He looked back up at her, his eyes full of remorse. "Sorry for getting you into this mess," he said. "You had to face Dooku. And that's something no Padawan should ever have to do. I know that firsthand. And if something had happened to you... I don't know what I would have done."

"Anakin," she said, putting her hand on top of his.  "You have nothing to be sorry for.  This wasn't your doing."

"But if we hadn't done the Padawan switch in the first place—"

"Then I would have been with Obi-Wan when all of it happened," she completed.  "Dooku was waiting for me, Anakin.  He lured us there.  He attacked the factory.  This would have happened no matter what you did."


"If it makes you feel any better, I forgive you," she said.  "But you haven't done anything that requires forgiveness.  I can assure you."

Anakin's sorrow turned into a weak smile.  "I love you," he said.

"I love you too, Skywalker."


happy thursday! almost forgot to publish.  i had midterms today so it's been busy.

the banter in this chapter! i love it.  i love dialogue so much. Can you tell it's my favorite thing to write?

ily, don't forget to vote!


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