✰ 14: the reality of war

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As the hundreds of droids, their tanks, and large spider-like destroyers marched into the city, Obi-Wan and Akya jumped over the edge of the balcony. "Jedi!" Akya heard one of the droids shout, as she and Obi-Wan both began destroying droids. She slashed through one of the B2 droids just as Obi-Wan dug his lightsaber through the middle of another one. The battle became more potent as the clones ziplined down from the top of the building, shooting their blasters as they went.

Akya and Obi-Wan had already fallen into a rhythm, basically back-to-back on the battlefield as they cut through every approaching droid. Down below, they saw some of the clones being pushed back into one of the buildings by the over-excess of droids. Obi-Wan nodded to her, and they jumped down again. Akya landed right on top of one of them, piercing through its head just before it attacked a clone just ahead of it.  She then pushed the droid away into the rubble with the Force.  Behind Obi-Wan, Captain Rex shot down one of the B2 droids and began speaking to him. 

"They're right behind us, sir!" he said urgently.  Obi-Wan and Akya retracted their lightsabers.  "They wiped out most of my unit.  We had to pull out of there."  Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and all of them cowered in surprise.  They then ran from the action, Rex following them.  They sat behind a control panel for cover so that they could discuss strategy.

"The shield has almost reached the heavy cannons," said Obi-Wan.

"We're not going to be able to stop them, sir."

"Move your troops back to the heavy cannons," said Obi-Wan determinedly. "Do everything you can to protect them.  Akya and I will delay the droids."


"That is an order, Captain!"

As Rex stood, Akya sensed something behind them, and immediately came aware of the looming mechanical footsteps of a droid.  Obi-Wan must have felt it too, because just a moment after Akya, he hopped up.  But Akya's lightsaber had already been ignited at the first sign of danger, and so, she had slashed the B2 droid in half before it even had time to raise its arm blaster.

"Good job," nodded Master Kenobi quickly. The two of them then hopped out of their cover, and continued dodging blasts from oncoming droids. As they made their way forward, Akya deflected a blast back at a B1 droid, whose head exploded. 

"I do wish your first battle had been one we were winning," said Obi-Wan, deflecting shots from the oncoming B1s.

"That's okay," Akya said.  She pushed a droid away with the Force, slamming it against a large piece of rubble. "Lesson two, the reality of war."

Obi-Wan chuckled a bit.  "Are you always this optimistic?"

"No," she said, thinking of the night Anakin had to convince her their relationship could last.  "But I'm trying."

Suddenly, the ground shook, and a cloud of dust overcame them from the left after a large explosion.  The dust settled quickly, revealing more B2 droids approaching fast.  They began surrounding them, and soon, Akya's Soresu form was no longer of any help. The energy shield was not down yet, and there was no more holding off the armies for Anakin and Ahsoka— she wasn't sure what would happen now. She glanced at Obi-Wan, but he seemed to already know what to do, even as a Separatist tank slowly began approaching from their front.

"Just follow my lead," he said calmly, retracting his lightsaber blade. Akya did the same, though the droids continued to hold out their arm blasters at the Master and Padawan, ready to fire. Akya touched the sun necklace under her robes, hoping for good luck. The tank in front of them opened its top hatch, and out of it came the Kerkoiden Separatist General Loathsom.

"You must be the infamous General Kenobi," he stated.

Master Kenobi paused before saying, "I surrender." Akya was confused, and rightfully so— why was he surrendering? Anakin and Ahsoka were still behind enemy lines, and their plan hadn't been enacted.

Once Obi-Wan said the words, one of the droids went up to them and took their lightsabers off of their belts, then stepped away, putting its arm cannon back into the ready position. For some reason, Obi-Wan was smiling slightly. Akya tried to keep her glares at the droids to a minimum and instead stood up tall, taking her body out of a defensive position.

"Now, Master Kenobi," continued Loathsom, "order your troops to stand down." Obi-Wan took pieces of rubble with the Force up into the air and set them in front of him, one large piece as a table and three smaller, sloped ones Akya assumed were chairs. Once again, she tried to hide her confusion, not wanting to foil any of her master's plans. Whatever they were.

"General, have a seat," said Obi-Wan, gesturing to the set up he had just made.

"Have you gone mad?" asked the General.

"I've conceded the battle," said Obi-Wan obviously. The droids surrounded them closer. Akya took a step closer to her master. She really hated not having her lightsaber. "Now we simply have to negotiate the terms of surrender."

Loathsom squinted his eyes. "Don't try any of your tricks, Jedi."

"Surely there's no reason we can't be civilized about this," he shrugged. The Separatist general stepped down from the top of the tank and they watched as he stepped around from the back of the tank followed by a small droid, which dusted off the seat for him before he set himself down. "'Tis a rare honor to be able to meet one's opponent face-to-face," said Master Kenobi as he sat. "You're a legend throughout the Inner Core."

"Thank you," said the general tiredly. Obi-Wan and Akya took their seats. "The honor is all mine. I'm so glad you decided to surrender." He seemed to be in a bit of a rush with it all.

"Well, at some point, one must accept the reality of the situation," said Obi-Wan. He then cleared his throat suddenly. "Might we have some... refreshments?" he asked. Loathsom nodded.

"You!" he turned to his small droid. "Bring us something liquid." The droid saluted him, then walked off.

"Thank you," said Obi-Wan. "This shouldn't take long."

Akya was quite sure Master Kenobi intended this to take very long.


happy Thursday!!!

first chapter with Akya actually interacting with the negotiator obi wan Kenobi!!! they're gonna be sooooo inseparable guys just wait. i love my guys.

don't forget to vote ♡


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