A book about romance from a guy with no experience ☕️❤️

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Made by:King of Rom Coms

Date spots:
Theme parks
Water park
Picnic at the park
Going into a mall or store and not even buying anything just walking around
Hiking through the woods and finding a lake to swim in (I like this one)

Nicknames 👏🏻 if not cringe they can be so cute and make someone melt

Giving eachother massages

Gaming together

Hugs and cuddles and using eachother as pillows

Lap pillows

Letting their partner fall asleep on them

One sucks at cooking and tries making them something but feels bad that it didn't turn out well. The other comforts them and says it tastes great.

Dancing in the rain

Light saber duels (yes please yes yes I want)

Rubbing sun screen on each other at the beach

Booping each other

The pocky game

Dancing in the rain
"Come on (partner) let's dance" *holds out hand*
"(Partner) that's sweet but I'd rather not get soaked"
"But you'll look more pretty in the rain"

Couple dynamics:
Tall bf or gf and short bf or gf
Have the shorter one feel safe around the taller one because of the height.
Have the tall one tease, easily grab and drag the short one around.

Because of trauma girl gets twitchy, anxiety or nervous around physical contact so the boyfriend helps them over come it by slowly getting her used to physical touch. Asking for permission to touch her then working up to holding her hand, arm, shoulder, then when they are comfortable enough they can finally hug eachother with the girl crying in his grasp saying how grateful she is for him being so patient, understanding and helping her overcome her trauma.
Random dialogue:
Girl is shaken up by being overwhelmed by bad memories and other stuff as the bf puts a blanket over her and sits at the edge of the couch letting her have her space as she wraps herself in the blanket.
"Don't take this the wrong way but...I kind of wish it was me comforting you instead of that blanket"

Sunshine and sunshine protecter dynamic

Barista that has a regular come in all the time, will listen to them go on and on about their problems with no complaints as they make their drink.

Have the guy liking a girl for their personality and not their body

Shy guy and teasing menace girl, will find his shyness adorable and will want to protect but also make him flustered. Bonus points if he's tall.

Big brute of a man immediately melts into his girlfriends arms because of her hugs.


Girl constantly steals guys clothes

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