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My name was called as I nervously walked onto the stage. Even though I was nervous It wasn't for the reasons you may think. I was starting a new chapter in my life I was going to get busier, have less time for the stuff I enjoyed, I was going have to say goodbye to my friends for awhile as I wouldn't be able to see them in person for awhile.

Never mind that go and walk up on stage and get your fake diploma I thought. I eyed the principal and painted on the usual fake smile of mine. Is it a good thing that I'm good at doing that? Your thoughts are wandering stop thinking that. I shook his hand as he said the fakest "congratulations!" I've ever heard. I don't doubt it wasn't genuine I just wasn't a fan of my principal personally, when I was struggling and had to come to him for help he gave anything but that.

I looked at the audience full of students, friends and parents. Why don't I feel super happy right now? I was happy but also sad, that sadness for some reason didn't make graduating super special to me. I wanted more, more praise for the crap I put up with especially that virus. But that was wishful thinking coming from me. You can't beg for compliments and expect to get what you want. Me of all people should know that.

Keeping my smile I was about to walk off stage when...wait what? Time was paused? Oh right time did pause as I looked around and at my friends, everything but me was frozen. I was confused I felt...happy like something cool was about to happen. I looked to the back of the stage as I heard my name being called out as I heard a familiar song blaring from the speakers.

I turned back to the audience as I looked shocked. It friends. The one with that hat and his followers, that frizzy hair guy with glasses, and of course...her with the long hair.
They were...cheering me on telling me congratulations and that I did a good job.
They felt proud of me...they loved me...they finally came to see me in person.
Don't let all these words distract you from the fact that this only lasted a mere 15 seconds.
But those 15 seconds were the best moment of my life.

A single imaginary tear rolled down my eye as one by one they disappeared cheering as the music faded. With her being the last one to fade as she smiled at me. As time resumed so did I as I walked down from the stage with my fake diploma. For Christ sake if they went through this much effort could they try to not be poor for my graduation day and give me my actual diploma? I chuckled as I went back to my seat. I was too happy to care, too joyful to give two craps. All those times of me raising my hand high wishing they would come and see me they decided to finally show for a measly 15 seconds...

But it was enough, enough for me to feel satisfied as the sadness no longer overwhelmed me anymore as I embraced it.
I took my seat sat next to my good friend as the day resumed. More names were called but I was too busy ironing out the fantasy in my head.

That moment on stage was real, it had happened to me and nobody can convince me otherwise.

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