The Good the Bad and the Jacob

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"Well shit"
Jacob was locked up in a cozy little cell

Act I
Luck of the draw

"Maybe I should try and break out..."
Just then he heard the sound of a door opening with a guard and Logan walking towards the cell. The guard started to open the cell with Logan giving him the smuggest face ever.
"Don't you dare rub it in..."
"As much as I would want too I'm here to bail your ass out of jail."
The cell door then opened as they both had a chat with the sheriff before given the green light to head on out.

"Now we got some unfinished business to take care of...Ireland and Sammy are meeting us at their hideout." Logan said while getting on his horse.
"They managed to figure out where those bastards are?? Perfect! Time for some sweet revenge!" Jacob hopped on with Logan as they started to ride off out of town.
"Of course but don't forget they have your bag too and there's probably alot more members compared to the ones at the bar."
"Don't worry I know...*sigh* I really should have been more carful."
They ride off into the desert with Jacob pondering on the situation that happened with his group earlier.

Flashback to the Backroom Brawlers gang walking into a tavern
Sam walks up to the bar and sits down, he tips his hat and slams his fist on the table
"I'll take a tall glass of gadorade!"
" sir we don't have that drink here..."
"*sighs in defeat* do you have any lemonade?"
"That we do!" the bartender pours him a glass and pushes the glass down the table with Sam grabbing it.
"Thanks!" Before he could enjoy his tasty beverage he felt someone brush up against his arm. It was a woman (oh no)

"Hey Sugar, you wanna have a fun time with me?" The girl said leaning on the table
Sam nervously took his drink and sat up pointing to Logan
"Uh he might!"
"Oh fuck off!" Logan replied with Sam snickering as he leaves the bar.
Logan ignored his friend as he spotted a guitar nearby. He sat down and tuned it to his liking before playing a tune.
"Hm, not bad..."

Jacob and Ireland collapsed onto a chair with Jacob setting down his bag of bullshit on the table too.
"Fuck the you holding up darling?" Jacob exclaimed
"" Ireland weakly replied
"I don't blame you...I'll get us some drinks-"
A cowboy with a fancy hat sat down next to Jacob.
"Howdy there friend! I got a little game if your interested in playing?"
Jacob was skeptical but was interested
"I'm listening..."
The cowboy grinned as he played with a coin in his hand.

"The names right hand Ricky...and I want to play a simple coin flip with you call it! If it lands on your choice I got some gold in the back of my wagon I'm willing to part with...if you lose however you just owe me a drink. Simple as that!"
" gambling senses are tingling..."
Jacob felt a tug on his shirt from Ireland as he leaned in to hear her whisper.
"I don't like this Jacob...he looks a bit sus to me..." Jacob pouts as he whispers back
"Well first off you've been hanging around Sammy too much...but even if he does try anything I got your back. Besides it's just one guy! And Sammy and Logan are nearby too. It's gonna be fine!" After a forced nod from Ireland Jacob smiles back at Ricky.

"Flip that coin!"
"Mhm! What a good answer!"
And with that the coin was flipped with Jacob looking up with excitement and Ireland looking up with worry. As the coin was falling back down Ricky spoke up.
"Yes a good answer...from a gullible idiot!"
But before Jacob could reply the coin landed in Ricky's hand before being flicked right into Jacob's eye. A loud grunt of pain came from Jacob as Ricky swiped Jacob's bag of bullshit and dashed away.

Gunslingers pop out of nowhere as shots were being fired from everywhere.
Even being partially blinded Jacob kicked the table down and grabbed Ireland as they both ducked underneath it for cover.
Nearby the bar Sam, Logan and the bartender were hiding behind the bar in cover taking out their revolvers.
"Can't have a drink in peace I guess...what's the plan bro?" Sam questioned
"Shit I don't know...wait" Logan glanced over at the pool table where a group of gunslingers were and grinned.
"Cover me!"

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