Casino Royale

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Four friends band together to pull off the heist of a lifetime. Will they be able to steal the briefcase full of money and get away with it? Or will they get caught and be forced to pay their taxes...only one way to find out!

"Well here we are...everyone ready?" Sam questioned.
Jacob adjusted his tie
"Yep let's rob these assholes!"
Logan rolled up his sleeve
"Should be straightforward"
Ireland checked her pockets to make sure she had her gadgets.
"I'm ready let's do this!"
They all looked up at the giant casino building.
Sam smiled
"So everyone remembers the plan right?"
Everyone stared at him
"Wait what plan?" The three of them said
"Huh?" Sam replied

Cutaway to hideout
"Guys we need a solid plan for this to work! Anything you have in mind?" Logan asked
"Well we have to reach the top of the casino that's where the managers office is. The briefcase is hidden somewhere in there. Getting up there is easier said then done we have to use the VIP elevator to reach the top floor." Sam explained
"Are there any stairs?" Jacob questioned.
"There is but do we really wanna climb all the way to the top using the stairs?"
"Oh fuck that, so elevator it is then!"
"We need to distract the guards or prove that we are VIP worthy...then what?" Ireland exclaimed.

"We then have to find the briefcase in the office then get out of there...should be pretty what's the plan?" Sam questioned.
"We go in guns blazing! And make a quick getaway!" Jacob exclaimed.
"Or we could you know be fucking quieter and not get caught." Logan replied.
"Mine sounds cooler!" Jacob replied.
"Uh guys I don't think we are getting anywhere..." Ireland exclaimed.
"Gentleman! And Ireland. Don't worry! I got a simple yet effective plan that will surely have us safely get the briefcase with no troubles whatsoever!"
"This better be good...what is it Sammy?" Logan asked.
Cutaway to the present time

"Fuck it we ball!" Sam exclaimed as he confidently walked into the casino.
The three of them looked at him stunned.
"...I should have known" Jacob exclaimed.
"Fucker is gonna get us all killed." Logan replied.
"It will be fineeeee...probably" Ireland replied.
They follow him in.

"Relax! I'm very confident this will work" Sam exclaimed.
"There's a difference between confidence and stupidity you know." Logan replied.
"Pff it will be fine! Look here's the VIP elevator we just need to show the guard why we are VIP who's going first?"
Logan steps forward
"I got this don't worry..."

The guard notices Logan as he stares at him
"Excuse me but are you on the list? Only VIP personal can use the elevator."
"Of course I am! Check this out"
Logan pulled out his guitar as he played a song with his friends cheering him on quietly in the background. He finished playing as he confidently asked.
"I'm great when it comes to music, so mind letting us in?"
" Oh sorry I was asleep. No your not allowed in" the guard replied.
"Kill yourself." Logan shouted as he walked away.

"Well that could have gone better..." Jacob exclaimed.
"You have a better idea??" Logan replied.
"I have an idea!" Sam voiced his opinion
"No you don't" Jacob and logan replied
Jacob stepped forward
"Let me handle this..."
He walked up to the guard and pulled out his phone.

"Are you VIP kid?" The guard questioned
"Buddy you don't even know who your talking too. Check this out" Jacob showed his phone to the guard.
"I have over 50 million power in rise of kingdoms! How about that??"
The guard rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone and showed Jacob his power.
"What...800 MILLION?!??" Jacob yelled
"Scram kid...unlike you I choose the Vikings which gave me a increased capacity for collecting recourses."
"ARGH! I thought North Korea would have been the better empire!" Jacob walked back to the group and saw Logan grinning.

"El problemo?" Logan said
"Fuck you" Jacob replied
"I have an idea!" Sam exclaimed
"Fuck off" Jacob and Logan replied
Jacob then noticed something
"Wait...where's Ireland??"
Ireland walks up to them with a bag as she smiles and goes over to the guard.

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