Chapter 4: the magitek research facility and new recruits

Start from the beginning

"Ah, the emperor's right hand man. What brings you back here?" Asked the researcher.

"Me, and my assistant here, are sent here by his imperial majesty to check on the magicite production" he answered.

"Well... production are rather slow, since the espers held here remain uncooperative. Other than that, we're making progress. We also have two test subjects a week ago, he already has magic in him and says that he's from a village where descendants of magic users lived in. The other is a sword for hire from the eastern continent" explained the researcher, pointing at the two doors to the right.

"Thank you, his imperial majesty would be rather pleased with the news" he said.

The part about a test subject who can use magic has piqued his interest, and so he and Cherry heads to the room where the test subject is at. When they peered through the window, they can see a rather short man sitting on a chair reading a book. The short man is rather hunchbacked, wears a purple colored hooded robe, a gold chain amulet, a breathing apparatus that covered his nose and mouth, and is bald.

 The short man is rather hunchbacked, wears a purple colored hooded robe, a gold chain amulet, a breathing apparatus that covered his nose and mouth, and is bald

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Samuel opened the door and stepped into the room, and he can tell that the man can barely reach his chest when it comes to size. He couldn't help but feel pity for him, due to the experiments mutating the poor man.

"Is it time for more experiments? I'm rather tired of the chemicals you have injected me" said the man in an annoyed tone, his voice sounded like a middle aged man with a slight electronic reverb.

"Actually, no. My name is Samuel, I am a magic user" Samuel introduced.

"Another magic user? I am Bernard, the skilled black mage" the man introduced.

"What brought you here?" He asked.

"I suppose I was rather curious, so me and my bodyguard came here to volunteer. I thought it was a simple demonstration of my powers just so I could help out, but these researchers used me and my bodyguard as guinea pigs for an experiments. Testing out chemicals to see how effective it was to use it on the espers, and look what happened to me. At least my bodyguard didnt mutate that badly, given that he gained an extra set of arms" answered Bernard.

"What if I were to take you and your bodyguard away from here?" He asked.

"That would be a blessing, but the researchers here wouldn't be too happy about this" said Bernard.

At the room next door, Cherry saw a young man with four arms laying against the wall. He wore a black bandana, another bandana that covers his mouth and nose, torso armor, yellow pants, orange belt, and yellow boots. His hair is black, but he he looked up at her, his eyes are blue.

"What's a cutie like you doing here? Are you even lost?" He asked

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"What's a cutie like you doing here? Are you even lost?" He asked.

She felt repulsed from his words, but nevertheless, she opened the door and stepped into the room.

"I came here, along with Samuel, to check up on the magicite production by the emperor's order. I heard about you, along with the other test subject with you" she answered.

"Heh, the old man and I came here to volunteer here. I didn't expect the researchers to inject us with experimental serum that mutates us, but I'm satisfied with the extra set of arms. That way, I can wield four swords in combat" he said as he smiled beneath the bandana.

"Forgive my rudeness, but my name is Cherry" she introduced.

"My name is Tsubaki, sword for hire" he introduced, bowing.

She was uncertain if she can recuit the four armed swordsman, since she got the feeling that he would be lecherous. But she was eager to get this over with, because Samuel is busy with talking to the other test subject.

"Cherry, are you done? Lets go" Said Samuel, who was standing outside the door.

"Coming!" She replied, walking out of the room.

Unfortunately, Tsubaki followed her out of his room. And he saw Bernard standing next to the emperor's right hand man.

"Huh? Since when did you got out of your room, old man?" Tsubaki asked.

"Hmph! I joined this man's "entourage" just to get out of here" Bernard answered, felt offended due to Tsubaki calling him old man.

"You could join us if you want" Samuel suggested.

The four armed swordsman thought for a moment, before reaching his decision.

"Alright, I'll join this crew. I can't wait to fight again, my heart burns for conflict!" Said Tsubaki, he grinned beneath his bandana.

Samuel chuckled as he accepted the four armed swordsman, and led everyone towards the elevator to exit the magitek research facility.

Authors note: what do you think of Bernard and Tsubaki becoming new members of the entourage? Next chapter is where the espers get free by rebels, thus causing havoc to the imperial capital city

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