Chapter 5 ~ surprise guest ~

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Tanner spent two hours in Chits office printing documents from the DSI's database, he had gathered quite a bit of intel on a number of Will's staff, they were definitely questionable but there wasn't any motive. 

One guy had been in prison and hadn't disclosed it but to be fair he had kept his nose clean and remained a model employee, another two had court cases pending, one for domestic violence and the other had a penchant for getting drunk at the weekend and fighting with strangers.

Several other employees had been in trouble because of outstanding fines, speeding tickets and other minor issues but none of them had any reasons to be sending their boss weird communications or making prank calls.

Tanner had copies of all the letters and emails that Will had received so after dinner he would read them again to see if he could come up with any new ideas.

The next group of people he would need to investigate were Will's business associates, he said he had no enemies but even so it was something that Tanner would need to address.

Shutting off the computer he wrote a quick message on a post-it for Chit thanking him for the use of his office and telling him he had no leads yet then he gathered the files before turning off the lights and heading out flipping the latch on the door as he left so it would lock behind him.

Once home he placed the files in his office safe and went to get a shower, it had been a long day. Looking at the bedside clock he saw it was almost 9pm, he would wash up and make himself an omelette and while he showered his thoughts drifted to Will.

He had to admit that the guy wasn't as bad as he had initially thought, on the contrary he was a contradiction. He must be clever because he was a successful businessman and he had fingers in many pies but sometimes he acted nuts, there was no other way to describe it.

Some of the conversations he dragged them both into were way out there and Jack was right, he did seem to like tormenting and winding him up, perhaps that was how he dealt with stress or maybe it was a shrewd business ploy, to act the fool while feeling out the competition?

Tanner also had to admit that the guy was good looking, if he was into relationships he would definitely show an interest but he knew he was better off alone. He had dated over the years but it wasn't easy especially in his line of work and the hours he kept.

Shutting off the shower he ran his fingers over his hair to remove excess water then climbed out and dried himself down then wrapping the towel around his hips he walked into the bedroom to grab some clothes.

Suddenly he heard the buzzer on his door followed by some loud knocks, who the hell was banging on his door at this time of night? He went to his door and looked through the spy hole but he couldn't see anyone?

Grabbing his gun he flicked the safety off then taking a deep breath he threw open the door and aimed his weapon at Will who was standing there with his finger over the spy hole.

"Will, what the fuck" Tanner swore.

"is this how you normally answer the door?" Will asked looking Tanner up and down and admiring his physique.

"if you hadn't put your finger over the fucking spy hole I wouldn't have needed to" he said flipping the safety back on and standing back for Will to enter.

"if I hadn't covered it up you wouldn't have opened the door but I was referring to your state of undress" Will replied.

"what are you doing here Will?" Tanner asked ignoring his question and placing his weapon back in the holster which hung over the back of a dining chair.

Tanner's Tormentor - BillyBabeWhere stories live. Discover now