Epilogue: More Than a Dream

Start from the beginning

Let yourself go from time to time. Tears are not your weakness.


North Korea was chilling with Japan in her room by just laying on the ground making snow angels.

"Why are you always in my room?" Japan complained. "You have your own." She yanked the rug from under North, causing him to slide closer to the doorway.

"I like it here." He replied, still laying on the floor.

"Too bad." Japan dragged North by the foot and yeeted him into the hallway. "Don't come in here unless you have a good reason!" She intoned, slamming the door. North lay on the ground in the hallway, slamming his head onto the door repeatedly until Japan let him in. After ten minutes of banging his head against the door, Japan sighed, frustrated and pulled North inside.

"Your determination is both impressive and irritating." She growled. "If I didn't love you, your head would be on a pike in the yard." She aggressively set North on the rug he had lain on. North chuckled.

"I'd like to see you try." He remarked.

"Are you challenging me?" Japan shot up out of her chair and chased North around the house. She tried throwing slippers to slow him down but to no avail. In the living room, Japan caught North in a headlock.

"I will defenestrate you next time you pester me." Japan teased.

"Okay." North replied, escaping the headlock. The siblings lied on the living room floor together, having a friendly sibling conversation.

"Imagine being the middle child." Japan said.

"Imagine denying war crimes." North responded.

"Imagine having only one eye."

"I lowered the game graphics to increase focus."

"Well, that wasn't much help. You're still an idiot."

"That's how I know we're related."

They kept bickering back and forth, the stoicism and deadpan tones of Japan's insults adding to the humor.

"You're a savage." Japan said, staring at the ceiling.

"Learned from the best." North replied. The siblings lied on the ground, staring at the ceiling, throwing friendly insults at each other while pushing each other back and forth.

The best conversations can come from those you despise the most.


At the waterfall, North sat by Russia, listening to the roar of rushing water. They'd discovered the waterfall as children and it soon became their favorite spot to spend time. The mist dampened their hair and sparkled in the sunlight. A spectrum of colors bursted in front of them, making the sight even more breathtaking than it already was. Russia held North's hand, gazing at the waterfall.

"I can stare at this for hours and never get bored." She said. North Korea nodded and leaned on Russia, who yelped at the sudden contact. She then pulled him into a hug, stroking his hair.

"You're jumpy." North remarked.

"Rule number one of life: Never trust anyone." Russia replied. "You're an exception, though." She tightened her grip and continued stroking North's hair. A slight blush dusted North's cheeks.

"Thanks." He hugged Russia back, his grip equally tight. There was a comfortable silence between them, save for the birds chirping and rushing of the waterfall. Russia and North eventually pulled away and held hands, walking to the waterfall. Russia managed to slip on a wet rock and fought gravity and physics to stay standing. North chuckled as he watched Russia's impromptu dance.

"You're so mean." Russia huffed, walking behind the waterfall. She sat in the cave with North, holding his hand with spiteful aggression. North Korea decided to bite and gripped harder. Russia glared and held his hand harder than before. The couple kept trying to outmatch the other in force, ending the petty fight with a passionate, angry kiss.

They enjoyed the coolness of the damp cave and rainbows dappled across the walls. Russia clumsily slipped or flinched from time to time, ruining the tranquil atmosphere for moments at a time, instead making it lighthearted.

"I love you." Russia admitted. She crossed her arms and huffed as if she hated loving North.

"I love you too." North replied with equal aggression. They walked through the forest together, hand in hand. Russia's klutzy antics made the walk interesting as she bumped into trees and tripped over rocks as clumsily as a bumblebee. It was endearing and they both laughed, enjoying time together.

The clumsy people make life interesting.


That evening, surrounded by his family, North realized that flaws are what make life worth living. They allow you to discover yourself, appreciate differences, and add chaos to an otherwise bland life.

Everyone must embrace the things that make them unique. Life is not meant to be perfect in any way. It is meant for living and discovering oneself. Flawlessness is not the goal in any case' In fact, striving for it prevents us from appreciating the things that truly matter in life.

"My dream was more than a dream." North thought, taking a bite of his dinner.

"It was a wake-up call to appreciate my world in its imperfect form."

-The End-

I hope the message got through to you people. Life is meant for living, not for seeking perfection that can never be achieved.

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