Unpleasant Memories

42 2 46

Written: January 2, 2024

TW: Implied domestic violence

When the sun began setting, the orange hues mixing with the indigo, North, South, and Okinawa walked home. Okinawa was tired out from running around all afternoon, chasing butterflies, swinging, and grabbing various snakes to show her older brothers. She was a mess. Her clothes were dustier than the streets of Tashkent on a hot summer day. Leaves and twigs entangled within her snow-white hair.

"Oki, you have to take a shower when we get home." South Korea said firmly.

"Aww." Okinawa moaned. "I don't want to take a shower." The prefecture huffed and crossed her arms. North Korea rolled his one eye, roughly taking Okinawa by the arm and walking back home.

"Oki, you've been rolling around in dirt all day." North Korea stated. "It's a miracle that South and I aren't the same way after running after you, so you don't pet venomous snakes."

"But Noooooorth." Okinawa drew out. "Habu Babu is a cute snake."

"Habu Babu–I mean, that snake could easily kill a small child like you." North argued. South Korea took a mental note of the conversation between his younger twin and little sister.

This could be an interesting topic for a song... He thought. The very idea of a venomous snake sounded so colorful to him. The layers of the song, the metaphors, the upbeat and intense tune. This is perfect!

When the trio arrived home, North Korea dragged Okinawa into the bathroom. Okinawa fell limp, and made it impossible to carry her by normal means.

"I don't want to take a bath!" She protested.

"You have to." North Korea attempted to lift Okinawa off the ground. "Japan's gonna kill us if you're this dirty."

"Believe me, Oki." South started. "Japan likes to cover bad things, so if we disappear, Japan's gonna gaslight you into believing it never happened."

"What does gaslight mean?" Okinawa sat up, staring intently at her brother. South Korea gulped. How the hell was he going to explain such a complex topic?

"Gaslighing is what Dad did to Mom." South Korea spat out in a frenzy.

"I don't get it." Okinawa had a blank expression, probing for a more elaborate answer. North Korea, finally managing to pick up Okinawa, held her over his shoulders and said,

"Gaslighting is tricking someone into thinking something never happened or that they're thinking the wrong way." He walked over to the bathroom and set Okinawa on the floor. South Korea bit his lip, thinking of what to add to North's explanation.

"North and I can show you what happens when gaslighting takes place." He suggested. North rolled his eye and walked over to his brother. If it meant Okinawa would understand and learn something new, he'd put up his horrible acting skills and get it over with.

"Look, Oki. I'll be the gaslighter, and North will be the victim." South Korea glanced over at his twin, who was scowling. "Come on, North, say something." He elbowed North in the ribs.

"Hm." North paused for a second, before saying in a high-strung voice, "Why did you call me stupid, South? It really hurt my feelings!" South Korea thought of a response. He made dramatic hand gestures and responded in the fakest angry voice ever.

"I never said that! You're making stuff up!" South Korea pretended to look angry.

"But, South! You DID say that, and it really made me sad." North Korea placed his hand on his heart, pretending he was on the verge of tears.

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