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Written: January 21, 2024
CP, South Korea, Japan, and Okinawa were strolling through the woods, which had trees made of building blocks and rivers of glass shards. Okinawa got over her grudge on Japan and agreed to be her guide. Okinawa endlessly chattered on about how rivers are just inanimate snakes, while South walked alongside CP.

"CP?" South chirped. "Want to talk?" CP nodded. A smile tugged on South's lips. South Korea giddily quickened his pace, CP having to follow.

"What do you want to talk about?" CP asked.

"Well, I want to talk about North." South answered. "It's been a while since we had a friendly conversation." CP nodded in understanding. As they walked through the surreal landscape of building block trees and glass shard rivers, Okinawa's chatter filled the air, and an unexpected conversation unfolded between South Korea and CP.

"So, about North," South Korea began, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Remember the times when we didn't have to worry about you being a mix of countries?"

CP nodded, reflecting on the complexities of their current existence. The nostalgia mingled with the weight of their shared responsibilities. South Korea continued, "Do you think we'll ever get back to just being ourselves?"

CP pondered the question, the echoes of Russia's and North Korea's thoughts intertwining. The journey through the whimsical yet foreboding landscape became a backdrop for the intricate tapestry of their conversations and reflections.

"Maybe when we beat America." CP calmly answered. South Korea pursed his lips.

"Yeah, uhm, I for one, really can't wait!" South replied with an edge of anxiety. "I never thought I'd actually miss you, North." A soft chuckle escaped South.

"Likewise." CP replied. "When you died, I freaked out." He admitted. The admission hung in the air, a rare moment of vulnerability amidst the fantastical journey. South Korea's anxiety softened into a quiet understanding, a shared acknowledgment of the bonds that transcended their current amalgamated form.

As they continued their stroll through the surreal landscape, a sense of camaraderie blossomed, woven into the fabric of their collective consciousness. The whimsical surroundings mirrored the complexity of their relationships, offering glimpses of unity and discord, much like the landscape they aimed to reshape.

"Say, North—I mean, CP?" South blurted into the silence.

"Hm?" CP replied, waiting for South's answer.

"I know I don't say it a lot, but I love you."

CP's response was a quiet resonance in their shared thoughts, a moment of connection transcending the boundaries of individuality. "I love you too, South," echoed through the amalgamated consciousness, a sentiment woven into the intricate tapestry of their existence. In that fantastical realm, where nations merged and transformed, the threads of affection intertwined with the unpredictable dance of their collective fate.

Okinawa and Japan chatted in the background. Okinawa was wiping her forehead clean of debris, while Japan ran her hand over the area she stabbed. There was a tender, fleshy stop where she stabbed her sister.

"Oki..." Japan started but never continued. There was nothing to say about such an atrocity. Okinawa shrugged, visibly showing indifference to her condition. The desolate landscape bore witness to the silent exchange between Okinawa and Japan, their unspoken words echoing the complexities of sibling bonds and the scars left by unforgivable acts. In the midst of a world in flux, where international struggles manifested in surreal landscapes, the wounds of the past lingered as an echoing reminder of the choices that shaped their dynamics.

More Than a Dream (COUNTRYHUMANS AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin