
49 2 57

Written: January 17, 2024

Major TW

North Korea woke up to an eerie silence in the house. The absence of South and Japan's usual morning commotion sent a chill down his spine. He glanced at the clock, realizing they hadn't returned home yet. Concern etched across his face, he hurriedly prepared breakfast for himself and Okinawa.

North ate by himself, and Okinawa came to the tatami to eat. North left for the living room and turned on the television, hoping to drown out his worries about South and Japan. The headlines that flashed across the screen were like a sudden punch to the gut.

"South Korean Official Found Dead in Dumpster."

"Young Woman's Remains Found in Convenience Store Production Factory."

Dread settled in North's chest, and he felt a knot tightening in his stomach. The world seemed to pause around him as the weight of the news sunk in. His mind raced and he put two and two together.

Japan had an interview for a new convenience store chain.

South had political matters to take care of. Dishes clattering could be heard in the kitchen. Okinawa was washing her plate. North Korea watched the broadcast with rapt attention. As he saw the photos of the victims, his heart dropped.

They were, indeed, South and Japan.


The reporter's voice faded into the background as North sat, shocked, holding back tears of grief.

North heard Okinawa's rapid footsteps approaching. He hurriedly switched the channel to a cartoon. Okinawa entered the living room with a cheerful smile, oblivious to the grim reality that had unfolded on the news. North Korea, trying to shield her from the harsh truth, quickly changed the channel to a cartoon, attempting to maintain a semblance of normalcy.

"Hey, North! What are you watching?" Okinawa asked, her eyes sparkling with innocence. North forced a smile, his heart heavy with the weight of the terrible news he had just witnessed. He patted the s next to him, inviting Okinawa to join him.

"Just some cartoons. Want to watch with me?" North tried to keep his tone light, not wanting to burden Okinawa with the devastating truth. She happily agreed, settling down beside him as they immersed themselves in the animated world on the screen.

In the quiet moments between episodes, North's mind raced with conflicting emotions. Grief, anger, and the overwhelming responsibility of being the one left to protect Okinawa consumed him. He struggled to find the right words to explain the situation without causing further distress to his younger sister.

As the cartoons continued to play, North contemplated how to navigate the painful truth that awaited Okinawa. The facade of normalcy they attempted to maintain in the face of tragedy couldn't last forever, and the impending conversation would change their lives in ways they couldn't yet comprehend.

The room held an air of tension, with the animated characters on the screen contrasting sharply with the heavy silence that hung between North Korea and Okinawa. The journey through grief and loss had just begun, and the siblings were about to confront the harsh reality that had shattered their once-close-knit family.

"Who would do this?" He mumbled under his breath. "Why my family?" Things began to glitch. The images on the television flickered upside down. The carpet contrasted colors before becoming a void. As soon as North blinked, everything was normal.

North Korea took a deep breath, gathering the strength to broach the painful conversation that awaited him. He turned off the television, the abrupt silence emphasizing the gravity of the moment. Okinawa looked at him with curious eyes, sensing that something was amiss.

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