Little Sister

70 4 39

Written: December 25, 2024
Orders being shouted in English. Survive. Children screaming as they're being burned alive. Survive. Civilians being pushed off bridges. Survive. People being ripped apart by dogs. Survive. Others being sawed apart alive. Survive. Survive. SURVIVE!

North Korea found himself as a new leader, racing through Sinchon. "I can't believe I was dreaming this whole time!" He yelled, clenching his fists in anticipation. "The dinner, the crash, it was all a dream!" Ever since the cursed hordes of American Imperialists arrived in Sinchon, death became a normal thing. It isn't scary for anyone anymore. Screams of children and their pleading mothers were as natural as birds chirping in the morning. Blood running down the drains was something no one batted an eye at.

The UN had sent those American Imperialists to bring "peace" to the Koreas from Communism and Juche, which North and his followers believed in. It was a cold December morning. The first signs of snow gently came down from the skies, only to be stained by blood. It seems too pure, too innocent to be the landscape of such an event. Death isn't scary anymore. It has been an everyday sighting in Sinchon since mid-October.

Blatant slaughter without consequence; a privilege the American puppet masters have. A power they have been exercising since the birth of their country. Giving war criminals of Unit 731 freedom in exchange for experiment results, the Canicatti Slaughter, the Samar Campaign, the Battle of Bud Dajo, and many more that North couldn't keep up with.

"Look who it is." A raspy and breathy voice beckons. North Korea turns around at the speed of light to see a certain someone with an American CW3 uniform, 50 stars, and 13 red and white stripes. North Korea's chest tightened as the figure with 50 stars and 13 red and white stripes came into view. Every fiber of his being tensed at the sight, a whirlwind of emotions stirred within him.

That damn America.

"What do you want?" North Korea's voice wavered between defiance and desperation, his eyes fixed on the symbolic figure that seemed to loom over him.

America remained silent, an enigmatic presence standing amidst the chaos that enveloped the horizon. Its gaze seemed to penetrate North Korea's very soul, carrying an inexplicable weight.

"Why are you here?" North Korea's voice quivered, a mix of anger and vulnerability seeping through his words. Memories of the last few weeks, the harrowing nightmares, the suffering of his people-all swirled in a tempest of emotions within him.

America continued to loom, an inscrutable presence in the haze of this almost unrealistic reality. Its silence was deafening, an ominous presence that seemed to amplify the haunting cacophony of the nightmare around them.

"Answer me!" North Korea's voice boomed, his eyes blazing with a mix of fear and fury.

"Just to have my fun with you, commie." America grated. The tension in the dream thickened as America's words echoed through the nightmarish landscape. North Korea's expression twisted, a blend of incredulity and seething anger at the callousness of the response.

"You think this is fun?" North Korea's voice trembled, his fists clenched in a futile attempt to contain the surge of emotions rising within him. "What kind of sick amusement do you find in this suffering?"

America remained stoic, his presence almost taunting in the surreal atmosphere of the massacre. The stars on his flag seemed to glint ominously, casting an eerie glow around them.

"This is nothing but your own doing," America retorted coolly, its voice resonating like an echo in the twisted corridors of North Korea's mind. "You brought this upon yourself."

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