Tearful Greetings

Start from the beginning

"Чёрт!" Russia exclaimed as she stumbled out of the curtains, proceeding to bump into a wall. She klutzily walked over to North's bed and greeted him with a lopsided smile. Okinawa was holding back every urge to jump up and down on North, reminding herself of what the consequences would be.

"North?" She squeaked. "When will you get out of the hospital?"

"I don't know." North shrugged.

"Awwwwwww." Okinawa moaned.

"Leave North alone, Oki." Japan gently pulled Okinawa away from the hospital bed. "He needs to adjust to real life." Okinawa huffed and kept her distance from North. Russia had to leave because 'something came up.' The siblings sat in the room together, the sharp smell of antiseptic burning their nostrils (well, if they had any). North Korea managed to calm himself down and detangle his body from the tubes and wires. Japan was scrolling through her phone, an uninterested expression flat on her face. The twins talked with Okinawa interjecting, desperately wanting to be part of the conversation.

South gesticulated his hands, miming everything that had happened in the month that North missed. A surge of ebullience shot through South as he spoke. Okinawa added things South had forgot to mention, while Japan kept scrolling through her phone, her thumb making repeated robotic movements.

"And Japan got me this really pretty dress!" Okinawa interjected. "It's my favorite color too!" North Korea listened to the animated recounting of the past month, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. As South enthusiastically mimed the events, Okinawa's interjections injected bursts of energy into the room. Meanwhile, Japan remained engrossed in her phone, seemingly detached from the lively discussion.

"That dress suits you, Oki," South remarked, a hint of warmth in his eyes. Okinawa beamed with pride, twirling around as if showcasing an imaginary runway.

Japan, without looking up from her phone, commented, "It's a nice dress." Her monotone delivery betrayed a subtle hint of approval.

North, feeling a surge of gratitude for his family, decided to contribute to the conversation. "And what about you, Russia? Anything interesting happen while I was... dreaming?"

Russia, who had re-entered the room after dealing with her mysterious 'something that came up,' looked around with a bemused expression. "Oh, just the usual chaos. You know, tripping over my own feet, bumping into walls – the usual graceful ballet."

South chuckled, exchanging a glance with North. "Seems like our wishes and reality don't always align."

Russia shrugged, unfazed. "Perfection is overrated, anyway."

As the banter continued, Okinawa couldn't hold back her excitement any longer. "Hey, North, let's plan our next playtime! I've been thinking about it, and I have this amazing idea involving a hot air balloon and a herd of flying turtles!"

South raised an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and concern crossing his face. "Flying turtles, huh? You're really pushing the boundaries of reality there, Oki."

Japan finally looked up from her phone, a rare smile gracing her lips. "As long as it doesn't involve any more near-death experiences, I'm okay with it." She continued. "You know the house rules: No making lives, no taking lives."

The room filled with laughter and the buzzing energy of their camaraderie. Imperfect, unique, and bound by the threads of family, they embraced the reality of their existence with open hearts.


Once North was released from the hospital, he was bombarded by Okinawa's endless questions, South's endless mood swings, and Japan documenting it all for potential blackmail.

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