The two children were shocked as they first heard the news. Not long after, Mason's face twisted into an excited expression and he ran up to you and wrapped his arms around you, pushing his face into your stomach. Sasha followed him, she didn't hug you but you could see the tears of joy in her eyes.

They were quick to pack their things and soon after the three of you moved, together with the two goats, to the farm in the near of Hannover. Over the you were absent as an underground doctor, as the 'Angel', your name has been forgotten rather quickly. The underground forgets things like that fast. Everyone has to move on eventually.

That was no problem for you though. You had gotten a well payed job as a regular doctor in your new home town. Sasha and Mason also got used to everything quickly. They didn't have any problems with the new school and made friends rather easily, especially Mason as he was such a social butterfly.

Your new home was small but not too small. You had enough place for the two goats and Sasha and Mason got each their own room. The two children had no problems with helping you with the household, on the contrary they were glad to help you with anything. In the summer you three occupied yourself with gardening. You planted all kinds of flowers and you taught the children, almost teenagers, a you knew about plants.

A new romantic relationship was unrealistic for you. You could never love like that again. To be frank you feared to love that way again. You knew that it was absurd to think like that but you couldn't help it. Nikolai and Fyodor were the only ones you could have ever truly love that way. Therefore you never tried to find another romantic partner again and only focused on raising Sasha and Mason, preparing them for their future.

Sasha had started to be interested in medical sciences and often went with to work. Then she sat there, watching as you treated your patients and later asked you about everything she had learned. While Sasha seemed to be interested in a medical career, Mason was very fond of the idea of becoming a teacher.

As an older student, he often tutored younger children and helped them with their homework. And since he was a very kind and trustworthy person you had no doubt that children would feel comfortable in his presence.

'They grow up so fast'. This sentence was always a mystery to you since your childhood seemed like an agonizingly long, never ending hell. but now you could understand what parents meant with such a statement. It seemed like yesterday that you adopted them both and moved to the farm. and now they were almost eighteen and were preparing to go to university. It painfully beautiful how well they had came out.

At the end, both fulfilled their dreams. Sasha became a well respected doctor and soon married her boyfriend, a nice boy, striving to become a banker. Their wedding was one of the happiest day you had in your life.

Mason became a teacher, loved by his students and respected by his collegues. He had also married, a tough girl with a constant, confident smile on her lips. They may seem like peculiar couple but they completed each other perfectly. From what you have heard, the other orphans also had turned out to be people content with their life even if they hadn't been adopted.

After you had retired as a doctor, you had dedicated your life to creating art. The one thing you had always enjoyed. And now you had all the time in the world to focus on new paintings or new songs to play on your flute.

Nikolai and Fyodor were nothing more than a distant memory but they were always present in your life somehow. The picture of Nikolai and you as teenagers always stood on your nightstand and they cross necklace hung around your neck every day. It may seem ridiculous but you never brought it over you to throw away the note that was in the package. You had it stored in your wallet and it may be one of your most vallued possessions.

As you got older you began talking more and became more social. Maybe because you weren't always so alone anymore. When you lived alone you didn't really have someone to talk to and therefore got used to the silence. But now that you had raised Sasha and Mason you always had someone around you. And you noticed that it wasn't that bad. Not even when they, especially Mason, were so talkative with you. You were able to biuld your own family without the help of Nikolai or Fyodor. You realised that you didn't need them.

Therefore when died, you died content, surrounded by loved ones.

A strong, cold breeze rushed across the grave yard, making the very few leaves growing on the trees shake and rustle. The sky was grey and the ground was covered in fallen leaves of red, yellow and brown colour. It was a windy afternoon in autumn as a tall man, wrapped in a dark coat strolled around the grave yard, searching for a specific resting place. His coat swayed gracefully in the wind as he took a right turn, pulling his white ushanka deeper into his face, his black bangs covering his eyes

Eventually, he reached his destination. But it seemed like he was not the only one with the desire to visit a grave. At the grave stood already someone in a white coat, the braided part of his also white hair fluttered in the vigorous breeze. He held his top hat in one of his hands, his head was tilted forwards in a slight bow. The man didn't look at the other visitor, his eyes were closed.

The grave was well kept, indicating that there was someone who took care of it. Perhaps a family member of the deceased person. The man who just arrived looked at the tombstone with an indecipherable gaze.

(Y/N) (L/N)

Born: **.**.XXXX

Deceased: **.**.XXXX

On the grave were several decorations placed but one of them stood out. A bouquet of orange tiger lillies, tied together with a white bow. The men stood beside each other, close together, their arms almost touching. The second man sighed and took off his white, fluffy ushanka, revealing his black hair, a,most reaching his chin. Then he knelt down at the grave, the white haired man following him suit. Both of them folded their hands and closed their eyes as the black haired man started to speak in russian. He spoke a prayer while the other man just stayed quiet.

After the black haired russian was finished, his words still hanging in the air like they were part of the decorations on the grave, both of them stood up again and looked at the grave in sorrow. If you didn't look close enough you would have never seen the glint of regret in their eyes. Neitzer of them spoke a word as they mourned together in silence. The wind had slightly died down and their surrounding had become quiet, not even chirping bird could be heard. The sky had cleared up a bit, sending rays of sunshine onto the grave as the sun would come out for specifically this deceased one.

After they stood there in silence for god knows how long, the black haired man finally had the courage to speak up.

"They really were our liberty."


After long contemplating, I decided to let this story come to an end. It was really an experience and I am so thankful for everyone who read this. It is one of my first fanfictions and all your kind comments really were a great assurance that this isn't a bad story and that you all actually enjoyed it. I also were able to make some friends through this fanfic and I would've never met them if I didn't had the spontaneous idea for this fic.

Special thanks to those people who are now my friends :3

Some of you may be sad that this story is now finished but worry not, I will write more fanfictions. You can still vote what my next fic shall be until Sunday the 28th january.

You can find it on Quotev on my account. I have the same name there.

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He is my liberty. Only him?    (Fyodor x reader x Nikolai)Where stories live. Discover now