Chapter 5: A Field of Flowers

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A servant with a holographic name tag engraved with the name Freddy on it opens a door to a large bedroom, revealing a Victorian era-esque hallway with large brightly lit diamond chandeliers hanging from the top. The servant clears their throat and adjusts their posture, appearing razor sharp from top to bottom.

Freddy: Madame President, the starways shine brightly for you, our dearest leader. Your first meal will begin to be prepared as soon as you ready to make the call.

A large and silky pastel pink blanket covers Vendetta almost completely as she lays on her queen size bed, leaving half of her jagged hair popping out distinguishably. Vendetta uncovers her face and opens her eyes slowly and stares directly up at the ceiling.

Vendetta: Thank you, Freddy. You may be on your way now and shut the door as you leave.

Freddy: Right away, Madame President.

Freddy shuts the door and Vendetta uncovers herself completely. She slowly motions her body out of bed and stretches her body out like she's trying to grab all four corners of her bedroom.

A few minutes have passed and Vendetta exits her bedroom dressed accordingly in her usual outfit and makes way towards a dining hall. She passes through a lobby on her way, bleeding a confident presence as servants and soldiers surround the area. Ayra enters in through a set of double doors and starts walking with Vendetta.

Ayra: Greetings, Your Grand Excellency. I am up to date on the paperwork. Everything has been filed and logged, all numbers that you will have the pleasure of viewing are accurate to the touch.

Vendetta: Very good, Ayra. I appreciate your work as usual.

Ayra: Absolutely, Madame President. You are so radiant and generous.

Vendetta: I know, I know. Aren't you all lucky? I could have been a tyrannical commander and conqueror.

Ayra subtly rolls her eyes as she remains walking a few inches behind Vendetta.

Ayra: Absolutely, Your Grand Excellency. Also, preparations for Evermore are in full swing! We're making it certain that we do not skip a beat. I will now be on my way to Office H13 to discuss finances with Board 3.

Vendetta: Be on your way as you are. I will enjoy my meal and will contact you as you are needed.

Ayra: Always at your request, Madame President.

Ayra exits down a corridor and Vendetta enters in through a large dining hall. Several workers ranging from custodians to dining personnel are spread throughout the expanse of the area. A large plate bountiful with food rests under a set of warmers in front of a line with a name card for Vendetta laying right next to it. Vendetta touches the top of the glasses she is wearing and scans the whole plate from top to bottom. She takes the plate and rests herself down at a table adorned with a red fancy tablecloth and large engraved wooden chairs. There sits three chairs with one reserved for Vex-Ro and the other for Soosie. Several smaller wooden chairs sit empty as Vendetta prepares to consume her meal. A worker walks right up to Vendetta holding glasses of fruit juice.

Worker #1: I bring to you a glass of Noppo juice and a Strawberry Banana smoothie, as you requested.

Vendetta takes the glasses from the worker and smells them briefly.

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