Love Me Like You Do

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July 2025

"Mon Soleil?" Charles shouts into the apartment and I breath a sigh of relief that he's finally home. He was just in England for the weekend for the Great Britain GP. I stayed home since I'm 9 months pregnant and good thing I didn't go, because I am currently in labor. I haven't told Charles yet though.

"In our bedroom!" I shout in response as I continue bouncing on my medicine ball and breathing through another contraction that just started. They have been about 15 minutes apart and last for about a minute and they've been that way for about an hour so I'm not in any hurry to head to the hospital quite yet. Charles has a bright smile on his face when he enters the room but the moment he sees me breathing the way I am he looks panicked.

"Are you in labor?!" He shouts as he comes closer to me, dropping to his knees and grabbing my hands as if to support me and I laugh as the contraction ends. I keep bouncing though.

"Yes." I smile brightly with excitement, because this is exciting! Charles looks even more panicked now and I don't know why. We've been over the birth plan countless times and we have everything and anything imaginable for this baby for when we come home. Our hospital bags are packed and ready to go, our car seat is set up in the car and we are ready to bring this baby into the world.

"Why are you freaking out?" I ask curiously as I grab Charles hand and place it on my belly because Jules is kicking. He loves to feel the kicks so I'm hoping it will calm him down.

"We're going to find out if Jules is a boy or girl today." He says in complete awe and I melt at his expression.

"It feels like we've been waiting forever to meet them. It just strange to know that our dream is about to become a reality." He explains and tears prick my eyes. My emotions are much better now then they were at the beginning of my pregnancy but I still get misty eyed often and seeing how excited Charles is makes me emotional.

"Do we need to head to the hospital?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"No, the contractions aren't very close together yet and my waters are still intact. It's still going to be awhile." I tell him and he nods in understanding.

"Then I'm going to go take a shower if that's okay." He tells me as he stands back up onto his feet. I smile up at him as he leans down to give me a kiss. He pulls away too quick and I beckon him back for more kisses since we haven't seen each other in days.


"LP!!" I shout, but there is no response.

"CHARLES!!!" I shout, louder this time and I hear running coming towards me from the other room.

"What's wrong? Is it time to go?" He asks frantically, and I look pointedly at my pants that now sport a nice wet spot, making it look like I peed myself.

"I need a little help changing." I explain and he furrows his brows and doesn't move. I huff out a breath of annoyance.

"My water just broke. I need you to help me put on some new pants so we can finally go to the hospital." I explain like he's a toddler and it finally clicks that I didn't actually pee myself and that the moment we've been waiting all day for has finally arrived. I've been laboring at home all day long, it's about 11pm at night now and I was getting worried things were at a stand still until my water just decided to break.

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