Pursuit of Happiness

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Three Weeks Later

"Can you believe it's been a year already?" I ask Charles as we walk through the entrance of  Zilker Park for Austin City Limits. We decided to attend again this year because even with all of the drama that went down last year with me getting assaulted, it was the weekend where everything changed and we reunited. It holds a special place in our hearts, and we couldn't miss it. Although, this time is a bit different since Charles wanted to vlog the whole weekend for his YouTube channel, so we have lots of cameras following us around.

"Best year of my life." Charles replies as he pulls me against his side and kisses me gently. A goofy smile comes over my face at his words and I relax into his side as we continue walking to the VIP area to meet up with Jeremy and Morgan. Ezra, Arthur, Max and Kelly decided to opt out of coming this year and stayed in Monaco until the Austin GP next weekend and Lando is in London with Bianca because they are keeping a low profile right now. So it's just the four of us and some of Charles' team.

"Hopefully it will just keep getting better and better." I say wistfully, as I think about how we'll hopefully have a baby by this time next year. Charles squeezes me tightly and kisses my temple sweetly and he confidently says 'It will.' and I know he's thinking the same things I am.

I've been on my fertility medicine for three weeks now, and it's been interesting to say the least. The first week I was taking it, I started my period so I assumed that all that I was feeling was just symptoms of my period, but the symptoms stayed even after my period was over. It took me a couple of days to realize I was experiencing side effects from the medication. I've been battling migraines and nausea, mood swings, hot flashes, dizziness and insomnia and it's been pretty brutal. Hopefully I'll be able to survive this weekend.

"There you guys are!" Morgan says excitedly when she spots us approaching. You'd think we hadn't seen each other in forever by how she reacts but it's only been a week. They flew to the states before we did because Jeremy wanted to go to San Diego first. He was being dodgy before they left when I asked him what his plans were for their time there, but I quickly realize why when I spot the giant pear shaped diamond ring on Morgan's very important ring finger. I immediately grab her hand so I can look at the beautiful ring.

"No fucking way!!" I shout as I look between the ring, Morgan and then Jeremy. Tears prick my vision as I realize two of my favorite people are getting married.

"Are you going to cry?" Morgan asks with a shocked laugh and I clear my throat and wipe away some moisture from my eye.

"Shut up! Let me be happy for two of my best friends. Holy shit, you guys are getting married. YOU GUYS ARE GETTING MARRIED!" I shout and pull them into a group hug and I tell them congratulations over and over until they are laughing and pulling me off of them.

When I step back from them, Charles pulls me against him lovingly as he tells them congratulations in a much more dignified manner. Morgan and Jeremy look so happy and I'm so excited for them. This weekend is also special to them. Last year at this time I never would have expected them to be engaged but everything works out for a reason. Charles squeezes me tightly against him to get me attention and I realize I zoned out as I was thinking about everything that's happened for us all over the course of a year.

"Are you okay mon soleil?" Charles asks as I look over at him. I give him a bright smile and sigh happily.

"I'm perfect, LP. Just reminiscing in my mind." I reply and give him a kiss on his jaw before continuing.

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