Electric Love

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When I wake up the sky is darkening and the sun is setting. I roll over to see Charles laying beside me asleep. I can't help but stare at him unabashedly. He's so handsome that it sort of hurts to look at him. He looks younger when he's relaxed and the sadness that always seems to be behind his eyes is gone. Without thinking, I push a piece of hair that has fallen onto his forehead back and slowly drag my finger tips along his nose, then over his lips. Right as I'm about to remove my finger from his face, his eyes snap open and he grabs my hand in his. 

I yelp in surprise because how did he do that so fast? But then I realize he literally trains to react quickly. He stares at me and I know my cheeks are turning pink with embarrassment of getting caught ogling him. Instead of questioning me, he just brings my fingertip to his mouth and kisses it gently. My pussy clenches involuntarily and I try to control myself so I don't climb on top of him. 

"How long have we been asleep?" I ask, looking around the room to try to find a clock to no avail. Charles grabs something behind his back and I realize it's his cell phone a moment later. 

"You've been out probably 4 hours, me only about an hour." He tells me and my eyes bulge in shock.

"Four hours?!" I practically shout because that's a long nap, but then I remember that I haven't been sleeping well the past week and I also had two shots of tequila without really eating anything today besides a piece of toast this morning. At the thought of food my stomach growls loudly and I can't help but feel embarrassed. 

"We should get some dinner." Charles announces, dropping my hand and rolling off the bed. I realize now that he's no longer in his swimsuit but in some grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt. I stare at him unabashedly as he walks around the bed towards the door leading to the living room. When he notices me still laying in bed he stops and looks at me questioningly. 

"Don't mind me, just admiring the view." I tell him with a smile and I notice his cheeks turn a little pink at the compliment. 

"I'm going to find the boys to see what they want to eat. Any requests mon soleil?" He asks a moment later as I finally roll out of bed and head to the closet so I can change.  

"I'll eat anything LP! Although, if they have a burger and french fries I want that!" I yell out as I pick up a shirt and some leggings. Charles acknowledges my request and walks out the door. I quickly head to the bathroom to do my business and to change. A few moments later I find Charles, Arthur and Ezra in the small kitchenette in our suite. When I walk in Ezra and Arthur immediately start laughing while Charles does a double take before narrowing his eyes on my shirt.

"What the hell are you wearing?" He growls out and I look down at my shirt like I don't understand why he's upset.  

"You don't like it? I thought you liked me in red?" I ask with confusion as I look down again at my shirt, admiring the Ferrari red color and Carlos Sainz's beautiful face. 

"I love you in red. That's not what I'm upset about. I'm upset that it's Carlos' face on your shirt and not mine." He pouts. 

"But Carlos is my favorite driver..." I say in all seriousness and it looks like Charles is about to have a heart attack. I try so hard not to laugh but it's getting harder when tweedle dee and tweedle dum beside me are giggling like little schoolgirls.

"Wait...what? I'm not your favorite driver?!" He asks, completely appalled. 

"No. It's Carlos, then Max, then it's a tie between you and Lando..." I tell him and I watch as he nearly short circuits. He has to sit on the barstool next to him because he's so aghast. That's when I completely lose it along with Ezra and Arthur. 

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