I love you 🥺❤️🌹

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John Dory and Y/N had survived the unthinkable – the zombie apocalypse. Against all odds, they had found a way to make it through the chaos and destruction and were now looking forward to rebuilding their lives. After spending some time settling into a safe community, they decided to take a break from the monotony and go on a long-awaited second date.

Their first date was cut short due to an unexpected zombie attack, but now that the threat was no longer looming, they were determined to make this one count. Y/N had suggested they have a picnic on the rooftop of the run down Denny's building, which had now become a popular hangout spot amongst the survivors.

As they climbed the stairs to the rooftop, they were greeted by the aromas of freshly cooked bacon and hot coffee. John couldn't help but smirk at Y/N's choice of location – a Denny's in the midst of an apocalypse.

'Hey, I thought it would be a unique experience,' Y/N defended with a playful wink.

As they made their way to a corner of the rooftop, they spotted two familiar faces – Randy Marsh and Matt from Eddsworld. They had become close friends with the two after encountering them during their journey.

'Hey guys!' Y/N called out, earning a wave from Randy and a nod from Matt.

But to their surprise, there was another couple already sitting with them – Edd and Ramona Flowers, along with Scott Pilgrim. Y/N's eyes widened in excitement as she recognized the group from the popular comic series and movie.

'Hi, I'm Y/N and this is John,' Y/N introduced herself, feeling a little starstruck.

'Nice to meet you,' Edd smiled warmly, 'I'm Edd, this is Ramona and that's Scott. I'm glad we're all finally getting to formally meet each other!'

The group quickly hit it off, sharing stories of their adventures during the apocalypse. Even Randy and Matt joined in, making jokes and poking fun at each other.

As they enjoyed their meal, Scott couldn't help but admire Y/N and John's chemistry. He had always been a hopeless romantic and seeing two people still finding love in the midst of all the chaos gave him hope.

'So, how did you two meet?' Ramona asked with a knowing smile.

John and Y/N couldn't help but laugh as they recounted their first encounter during the zombie attack. It was a crazy story that they were sure they would never get tired of telling.

After their meal, they decided to explore the surrounding area. They found a game room filled with old arcade machines and spent the next few hours playing games and having a blast.

As the sun began to set, Y/N and John couldn't believe how fast time had flown by. They were grateful for the unexpected double date and the new friends they had made.

'Thank you for the wonderful day,' Y/N said, giving John a kiss on the cheek.

'I think we should make this a tradition,' John suggested, making Y/N's heart flutter.

With the apocalypse behind them, they were excited for what the future held for them – a future filled with love, friendship, and maybe a few more zombie-free double dates at their new favorite spot – the run down Denny's building.

POV: John Dory is your husbandWhere stories live. Discover now