Jesus Christ! 😲

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The sun shone brightly as John Dory from the movie Trolls Band Together and his Girlfriend, Y/N, packed their bags for a grand adventure. They were setting off to save Barry the strawberry from the movie, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, who had been captured by three different evil dragons. The first two dragons were relatively easy, but the third one was a real monster, capable of reducing entire kingdoms to ash with a single breath. 

Still, John Dory and Y/N were determined to rescue Barry and restore peace to the land.

As they journeyed through the lush countryside, they came across a small village nestled at the foot of a mighty mountain. The people of the village were in a state of panic, as they had just witnessed the second dragon's attack. The creature had left a path of destruction in its wake, and the villagers were convinced that their village was doomed. But John Dory and Y/N knew that they had to continue on their quest, if they were to have any hope of saving Barry and putting an end to the dragons' reign of terror.

With a reassuring pat on Y/N's hand, John Dory led her through the village. The people, seeing their brave and selflessness, began to cheer for them, their voices echoing across the valley. It was a moment of hope in an otherwise bleak situation, and it filled both John Dory and Y/N with a sense of purpose and determination. As they continued on their journey, they knew that they were not only saving Barry, but also restoring faith in a world that had been brought to its knees by fear and despair.

The air grew colder and the terrain more treacherous as they neared the lair of the third and final dragon. The ground trembled beneath their feet as they heard the monstrous beast's roar echoing through the mountains. Without hesitation, John Dory took Y/N's hand and charged forward, determined to put an end to the dragon's reign once and for all. As they approached the dragon's lair, they could feel the heat emanating from within, and the stench of sulfur filled their nostrils. They knew that this was going to be their toughest fight yet.

Just as they were about to enter the lair, John Dory turned to Y/N and kissed her softly on the lips. "No matter what happens," he said, his voice trembling with determination, "you must promise me that you will save Barry, and bring peace back to this world. I couldn't ask for a better partner." Tears streamed down Y/N's face as she nodded vigorously. "I promise," she whispered. "I'll make sure your sacrifice is not in vain." With that, they stepped into the dragon's lair, ready to face their fate.

The lair was immense, with walls of glowing obsidian and a ceiling hundreds of feet above. In the center, the dragon itself loomed, its wings spread wide enough to block out the sun. It let out a deafening roar as it saw the intruders, its eyes fixed on John Dory. "You dare challenge me?" it boomed, "Then you shall pay the ultimate price!" The dragon reared back and prepared to breathe fire, aiming directly for Y/N.

John Dory did not hesitate. With a loud battle cry, he leapt in front of Y/N, shielding her from the dragon's attack. The fire engulfed him, enveloping his body in flames. For a brief moment, he remained standing, his determination unyielding. Then, with a final gasp, he crumpled to the ground, lifeless. The dragon roared in triumph, turning its attention back to Y/N.

But Y/N was not cowering in fear. Instead, she felt a surge of determination and anger coursing through her veins. Drawing upon every ounce of strength she had, she charged at the dragon, her sword raised high. The dragon's eyes widened in surprise as it saw her courage. It let out another roar, this time aiming a blast of fire at Y/N. She narrowly dodged the attack, and with one swift movement, sliced through the dragon's wing. The dragon let out a piercing screech of pain and rage, beating its wings furiously in an attempt to regain control.

POV: John Dory is your husbandUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum