Chapter 10| The Broken Glasses

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- T A E H Y U N G ' S  P O V -

As I glance out of the glass window, I can see the moon shining bright in the sky. I am running late today, but since I don't have anyone waiting for me at home, I can relax. Though a slight cloud has appeared in the sky, the stars are still visible along with the shining full moon. It's the first moon night, and the moon appears to be shaped like a small piece of a cut watermelon.

As I cruise down this lonely road, I feel the cold breeze on my face and I can't help but think about how time can feel so lonely sometimes. As I gaze out the window, I spot my apartment - or should I say my house - in the distance. Life is unpredictable, and although I have witnessed many strange incidents, the situation with Kook is particularly baffling. He is not the kind of person who is involved in bad things or dark crimes. So, how and why is he caught up in such a puzzling situation? I can't help but feel confused and concerned for my friend.

- E N D  O F  T A E H Y U N G' S  P O V -  

As Taehyung's car entered the garage of his house, he swiftly unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car. With the keys to his house in hand, he confidently proceeded towards the main door while closing the garage behind him. The maids had already left, and only two security guards were present. Taehyung is someone who finds solace in spending time alone. He prefers the company of a few select people, including the Bangtan boys. Taehyung believes that being alone is calming, relaxing, and peaceful.

15 Mins passed already, refreshing up himself Taehyung came downstairs, his house sandal's sound echoing through the whole house reflecting how alone he is right now. Entering the kitchen, the first thing that was done was checking what was today's dinner. "Not that again." Making an unsatisfied mch sound Taehyung opened the door of the fridge to make something else. The door opening sound echoed again. Why is everything a little too silent? Isn't it? Or it's just Taehyung's hallucinations?


A huge sound of glass breaking came into his ears. What Just happened? Leaving the frying pan behind Taehyung quickly went out of the room, opening the drawer of the cupboard he pulled out his revolver. As he entered his drawing room, the shattered glass of the garden door came into his eyes. Who and Why? "GUARDS !" He shouted, this is amongst the loudest and angriest shouting of Taehyung. Usually, Taehyung is a very calm and cool-behaved guy, but today's person is a little different. "Yes sir." After some seconds the guards presented themselves in front of Taehyung. "Who was here? RIGHT NOW?" The anger is visible through his eyes. 

"No one was here sir." One of them replied, maybe he made a big mistake. " NO ONE WAS HERE? Then what's this tell me what is THIS?" Taehyung grabbed him by his collar, The way his brows are furrowed, the clenching of his jaw, and the sharp gaze in his eyes all indicate that he is seething with anger. It's as if the anger has taken control of him, and his eyes are the windows to his soul, revealing the depth of his emotions. "GO AND FIND WHO'S THE MF." They two went away immediately. 

Exhaling a deep sigh Taehyung sat down on the couch placed exactly in front of the glass door which is now broken. Placing his palm over his eyes, he just wants to be relaxed circumstances are creating too much pressure on him. Reopening his eyes the first thing that came in his eyes was a white crumbled ball. What is this?

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