Chapter 21 - Presidential Debate

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September, 2044

Alex arrived at the Stage at Harvard, where the debate with Herschel Walker is being held. Alex was the clear front runner in the race but this would decide that for sure.

The moderator asked her first question "Europe and East Asia has just suffered its most devastating war in over 100 years, How would you as president rebuild Europe and East Asia?"

It was Alex's turn so he responded "We would devise a system similar to the Marshall plan where we will pump billions of Dollars of Aid to affected Countries, we would prioritize the citizens of those countries."

"Mr. Walker, you may respond" says the moderator.

"Europe and Asia don't matter" says Herschel Walker and he continues "America First!"

Alex Garner interjects "I don't approve of your use of that slogan as it was used by isolationists and Racists who wished to keep us out of World War II."

"Didn't know and didn't care" says Walker.

The Moderator Asks "Last Year the Devastating Hurricane Sara hit the gulf coast, what would you do to prevent the terrible effects of Natural disasters? Mr Garner you are first."

"I would urge citizens to move away from the coastline, also build more coastal defenses like marshlands and dams. I would also build storm shelters for tornadoes and have regular natural disaster drills in schools" Alex says.

Then it's time for Herschel Walker to respond and he makes an Absolute fool of himself.

"The best way to prevent natural disasters is to pray to Jesus. Also when I am President, I will bring back coal, because Climate Change is a hoax" Walker Says.

"It's not a hoax" Alex interjects but is stopped by the moderator.

Walker continues "We must prevent Sharknadoes like in the Movie Sharknado, so we must hunt all the sharks"

Alex responds "Sharks are an endangered species and Sharknadoes aren't even real that was just a low budget movie by the Asylum."

The debate ends and Alex is widely perceived to have won the debate. In the gulf coast states where Hurricanes are common, Walker's poll numbers decline rapidly.

Rise to Power : Alex Garner - A story in the German chancellor verseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora