Chapter 2 - A Speaker has not been elected

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January, 2041

Alex entered the capitol building, prepared for 2 years of Crazy governance. He entered the house chamber and saw the clerk presiding:

The debate begins on who to pick as speaker the democrats chant "Garner! Garner! Garner!"

Then is time for the nominations:

The democrats have Pete Aguilar give the speech to nominate Alex, Aguilar begins:

"Mr Clerk, I rise to nominate the honorable Alex Edward Garner, for speaker of the house. When, our democracy was threatened by Far right extremists, the democrats safeguarded it. Now one of those extremists has the Majority. We must protect democracy and our rights with all our might. We Cannot let Marjorie Taylor Greene become speaker! Alex Garner is a great politician and friend, he is dedicated to his constituents and to the citizens of the United States. Alex has suffered for us, he works everyday for the betterment of the American people, to protect our rights. That is why we need Alex Garner as speaker of the House of Representatives"

Then it is the Republicans turn they pick, Anna Paulina Luna to give the nomination speech for Marjorie, she begins

"Mr Clerk, I rise to nominate the honorable,Marjorie Taylor Greene,is an experienced congresswoman and legislator who has done so much for the American people"

This provokes a laugh from the Democrats before she continues

"She was a vocal supporter of Donald Trump, she knows the real issues that plague this country the...Woke Mob"

More laughter from the democrats, and then a surprise nomination

A representative who Alex doesn't even know the name of gets up and says :

"Mr Clerk, I nominate the honorable Charles Alexander to be the next speaker of the house of the United States. We in the Center of the Republican Party are sick of being ruled by the extremes, we are nominating a candidate that will represent America and not the special interests"

The voting commences, The Democrats all vote "Garner!" The majority of Republicans vote "Greene!" And the moderate republicans vote "Alexander!".

The Clerk speaks "With all votes cast the Tally of Votes being 435, The honorable Alexander Garner of New York has received 211 votes, the honorable Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has received 204, and the Honorable Charles Alexander of North Carolina has received 20"

Then Alex braces himself to hear the words that have now been inseparably linked with Republican control of the house, the clerk speaks "With No candidate having received a majority of votes cast, A speaker has not been elected"

This goes on for 2 more days until Marjorie is finally elected speaker on the 5th ballot.

Rise to Power : Alex Garner - A story in the German chancellor verseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant