Chapter 16 - Congress & Visit

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January- February, 2043

The bill making English and Spanish the official languages of the United States passed quickly as did a bill banning faithless electors. W- Anon began to target both the speaker and the president, who had to issue statements denying the accusations. Matt Gaetz announced he was running for president again, god help us all if he wins.

The president, Stevenson announced he was not running again due to pressure on him placed by the far right. It was a shame as Stevenson and Alex had gotten along quite well.

He passed by Alex Garner for President Signs that read his slogan "M.L.L - Modernism, Liberalism, and Leadership" and other of his slogans like "Forward with Innovation: Alex Garner for President 2044"

He was getting on the plane to fly to Germany, recently his old 8th grade English teacher Mrs. Porter, who was frankly his least favorite teacher after she repeatedly kicked him out of the room for calling out, had made statements saying that she "always knew great things were coming to Alex" and he was "her favorite student". These were complete lies and he on an interview had said "That's not how I remember it".

He arrived in Berlin at the Chancellor's office and is greeted by his friend the Chancellor Wilhelm Bernadotte. He greets him and begins.

"Thanks for helping us beat Boebert" he says

"You did most of the work" says Wille and he continues "76% of Americans want you to be speaker again and they like the reform bills you've passed like making English and Spanish the official language and talking about potentially abolishing the senate"

That was an important reminder to him, he needed to find a good replacement for him as speaker. He then realized that Congressman Ethan Miller from Oregon would be the best candidate.

"Did you see Mrs. Porter's interview, she is a horrible person and my least favorite teacher".

And he continues "I got elected on the first round unlike the people in 2023".

And last year, Alex subconsciously thinks.

Wille says "Don't mention Kevin McCarthy or Jim Jordan".


And the chancellor continues "Jim Jordan didn't even become speaker, It was a mess I remember"



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Rise to Power : Alex Garner - A story in the German chancellor verseWhere stories live. Discover now