Chapter 20 - Nomination

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August, 2044

The Democratic National Convention was being held, Alex Garner was declared the Nominee for President of the United States.

At the same time, Herschel Walker was being nominated as the Republican Nominee for President of the United States.

On one hand one speech was an actual discussion of The issues when the other was just random shit.

Alex began his speech:

"My Fellow Citizens, I am standing here before you as the Democratic nominee for president. I have ran the most successful Congress in American history, we abolished the Senate and established a constitutional right to abortion. We will do even more and help preserve America as a shining beacon of Democracy. I will be picking Mary Peltola as my Running Mate. Thank you."

On the other hand was Herschel Walker's speech:

"Dear Citizens of America, or whatever, I am chosen by Jesus to be president. I may have done shady things in the past, but I promise you I am different now since reading my two favorite books the Bible and Mein Kampf. I am qualified to be president because If aliens invade, I watched the movie Independence Day, so I know what to do. And actually I watched a movie the other day, and a dinosaur can kill an alien, my opponent Mr. Garner is like an alien, so it's better to be a dinosaur than an alien. I am choosing Kari Lake to be my vice president. God Bless Rus... I mean America!" 

 I mean America!" 

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