Chapter 13 - Election Night

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Alex paces in his room, he turns on the Tv and hears "Welcome to ABC, coverage of the midterms will begin, with the democrats ahead in the polls, can the Republicans pull off an upset?"

"We can project that Alex Garner has won reelection to New York's Third Congressional district"

At least his seat was safe the rest he'd have to see, primary challengers had defeated rivals like AOC so he didnt have to worry about them anymore. The numbers for the democratic seats in the house and senate continued increasing ahead of the Republicans. An annoucement is made:

"We can project that Lauren Boebert has lost reelection, Carla Hutchinson is elected to Congress"

He can only imagine the look on Boebert's face

The counter hits 218, so at least they won back the house. He checks the senate numbers, 51 they won. Now it was just a matter of how many seats they'd get. The clock continues ticking long in to the night until the results finally calculate on the screen :

House of Representatives:

D: 260



D: 55

R: 45

He gets a call from the chancellor, and Wilhelm begins to talk:

"Congratulations,Mr Garner" Wille says

He responds "Thanks for endorsing us Wilhelm, I dont care what that idiot Boebert says".

He remebers back to earlier that night, Boebert had said "The only way we lose, is if its rigged by that (nasty word for a gay person) chancellor",

They hang up and he sees a notification on the screen: "Lauren Boebert to give Press confrence"

He bets its to say the election is stolen, and he is right as soon as the confrence begins lauren opens her big mouth:

"We won that election, the election was stolen by Chancellor Wilhelm Bernadotte and the woke leftist mob" Boebert says

Suddenly the crowd on the TV starts laughing hysterically

"Stop Laughing!" Boebert orders but its too late

Alex turns to his secretary "Make memes about this and upload them to the internet, lets destroy Boebert even more".

He would be speaker of the house, early that morning he adressed the crowd :

"We have won, America has triumphed over extremist ideology and trumpism and we have entered a new Chapter of democracy and freedom. We must stay vigilant however as the far right seeks to undo our progress and take us backward instead of foward. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN! As a government this congress will be about putting people over poltics and we will make numerous reforms."

Rise to Power : Alex Garner - A story in the German chancellor verseWhere stories live. Discover now