Ogres, and Harpies, and Unicorns... Oh My

Start from the beginning

That sounded intense, indeed. Go girl power?

"Their clans are spread around the mountains to the east, while we goblins lived mostly on the largest mountain and a few small villages to the west side of the range."

"And what about the plains on the other side of the mountains?" Lagdon had said they were tame, but he is a psychopath of power and training... not sure I could trust his determination on what was and was not tame. I was pretty sure that that hobgoblin thought a dang volcano was tame.

"There are many dangerous monsters there, but not really large groups of them from what I understand."

"I don't understand."

"There are a lot of large groups of lesser, or mid ranked, monsters like there are here." Explained Margund, adjusting his reins. "You will not run into a heard of dangerous creatures. But there are several powerful, individual monsters, that would be bad to disturb. It is why there is only one race of superior monsters that tend to call it home."

They must be a scary strong race... I was beginning to wonder if the goblins former assertion that they were the strongest and closest race to Aeros back in the day really meant that they were just the race that sucked up to the old dragon the most? The Harpies had been here since before Aeros, and were already evolved to the highest rank of their line, and then there were the ogres, who sounded like they were the most fearsome. How scary were these plains dwellers?

Margund chuckled. "It is not as scary as you think. Indeed, of all the races that call this nation home, they are the most docile."

"Who are they?" I asked, curiosity peeked.

"They are called the Equestrians."

"Wait, horses?"

Margund laughed. "Yes, though many of the race a very proud and would not appreciate being called 'horses'."

"Oh... I will keep that in mind."

"Like us foxes-" Brixie chimed in. "They are a small clan. And they are mostly non-confrontational."

Margund nodded. "In total, there may be less than a thousand of them. but they are the most diversly evolved race of us all. The bulk of them are Sterna: an equestrian rase of elementals. Their pelts and magical power determined by what element they are. You will find Sterna that can bend the earth, command the winds, and even call forth fire."

"That sounds amazing." I said, imagining beautiful horses casting magical spells.

"They are the most magically inclined of the superior races here." Said Lagdon. "The Goblane can't even compare when it coms to elemental magics."

"I am looking forward to meeting them." I said with a smile. "But, you said that most were Sterna. What are the others?"

"There are a few of the Sterna who have managed to evolve beyond the race. I have heard Nord speak of Pegasus, unicorns, and even hippocampi that live in lakes and rivers."

Wow, this all sounded like a little girls dream. I lived a goodly chunk of my life in a single room, but even I fantasized about having a pony or meeting a freaking unicorn as a kid! And it would be nice to meet a monster race that was less inclined to eat people for a change...

"It sounds like it is going to be an interesting group of people heading for Talon's Pass then." I observed, getting more excited.

Margund laughed again. "Yes, I suppose you could say that."

We eventually made it to the bridge. It was still crudely built, as the goblins had their hands full with the road and estate and didn't have time to make it pretty before the winter set in. At least it looked sturdy, built with wood and large stones, stretching over the narrowest part of the river. I was told that, come the spring melts, it may be flooded and impassible for a couple weeks.

For now it provided a steely grey break to the otherwise white world.

The monsters waisted no time setting up camp, pitching tents and getting the Rohgek fed and watered. Mean while, I decided to explore. After the first couple days of trying to help and being shut down, I just gave up.

But, I was not alone, of course. Lagdon, my ever present shadow, and Draxly were with me. But they were not all. I was surprised by Luxana asking if she could come walking with me this time.

She had been cheerful and pleasant throughout the trip, but also a little nervous and shy around me. It often took some time for monsters new to the estate to get used to me. I guess they expected me to be some kind of aloof godly being at first. But once they see me trip over my own two feet a couple times, they tend to loosen up and treat me normally.

Actually, most treat me like a little princess. Did I really have such a sweet and innocent air about me? Still, I preferred the coddling to the avoidance.

Today, I decided to stick to the edge of the river, following it upstream a little and enjoying the sounds of running water. It wasn't the same as the rumble of the waterfall back home, but it was comforting and made me smile.

I had best enjoy the easy travel we had while I could. Starting tomorrow, our procession would be leaving the paved road and the journey would be a little rougher. Still, the thought of meeting all those races kept me motivated for the more hectic half of our path forward. 

Enna is a Land God: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now