The Investigators Return

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"Ugh, this is taking ages." Grumped Reinga for about the fifth time in the last twenty minutes. Braid would have been surprised to know just how irritating a famous assassin could be if he had not just spent over a month with the woman.

"Now Now, Reinga!" admonished Porsha, her pink hair glittering next to her fresh white priestess robes. They had all been quite relieved to be aloud to freshen up before their audience with the king and guild master. The last comfortable day they had had was at the monster's mansion. "His majesty is a very busy man, you know?"

"Ho Ho!" mock laughed the dark haired wolf woman, eyes sparking with a mischievous light. "Haven't you gotten brave with your words as of late, young miss?"

Porsha blushed but did not shy away like she once might have. this last mission- and the monsters the group had met- had really opened her up. She had grown, truly, in such a short amount of time.

"My father will arrive shortly, I am sure." Arthas sighed. He was acting cool, but Braid could tell that he was anxious as well. After all, this report could very well determine weather or not his majesty was willing to set their kingdom to war with the monsters.

Braid heard Sora sigh in the comfortable high backed chair next to him, but she kept her mouth shut. Out of the whole group, she was the most composed, but that was no surprise, was it? The elf would hardly let a meeting with the king about such a monumental topic affect her at all.

Braid was about to ask her, her opinion when the door at the far end of the conference room opened and two knights entered. An image of the hobgoblins entering before the child god flashed before Braid's eyes for a moment.

Admittedly, King Damien Rightwell struck a more intimidating figure than the small girl had, with his scarlet cloak draped over broad shoulders, tall bulky frame of a man who had once worked as a knight himself, and strong jaw line that rivaled Braid's himself. But some how the god had more impact. But, he supposed a god would, wouldn't they?

Braid and the others hurried to their feet and bowed their heads. 

"That's enough of that. Sit." Rumbled their leader.

When Braid raised his head he saw the king taking his own, much nicer seat, pulled out by Frost, the guild master, who must have entered the room when their heads had been lowered. He looked even more stressed than normal, which had Braid's lip twitching. Good to see that some things would never change, he supposed.

But it was the last man that confused him. A wolf beastmen with hark hair and ears, sharp eyes, and the stance of someone light on his feet. Perhaps sensing Braid's eyes on him, the man flashed a smirk at the adventurer and he felt a twinge of familiar irritation.

"Brother!" He heard Reinga grump, confirming Braid's suspicion. "Why are you here?"

"I came to assess the situation, dear little sister." Said the man now confirmed to be Gill, the new head of the top tier assassin clan. He doubted the others in his party knew this- Reinga aside- as the clan was hardly more than a rumor in the kingdom. A family of assassin's everyone of them, each trained to be shadows in the night, protecting the kingdom and its interests.

Braid only knew about them due to a job he had taken a few years back. He had met Gill then, and though the man was a bit of a mystery, and seemingly young for his position, he struck Braid as a good man.

"I thought it appropriate that he hear your report as well." The king stated. "I assume everyone is here then?"

"Yes, your majesty." Stated Jillian Roth. She and the other advisors had been waiting, right along with Braid and his party. Though, they had been able to keep a little quieter than his group. The older woman eyed Reinga disapprovingly, but the wolf woman wasn't going to be cowed by anyone, not even a retired knight.

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