Goodbye old friend and hello new

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(y/n) - Your name

(n/n)- Nickname

(h/c) - Hair colour

(e/c) - Eye colour

(S/c) - Skin colour

(F/c) - Fav colour

Why do I have to be here again?


Wealth, fame, power.

Gold Roger, the king of the pirate's, obtained this and everything else the world had to offer.

And his dyeing word drove countless souls to the seas.

Gold Roger: you want my treasure? you can have it! I left all my treasure together in one place, now you just have to find it!

these words lorded men to the Grandline in pursuit of dreams greater then they ever dared to imagen.

this is the time know as the great pirate era! 



Marineford is the island of base of operations for marines. 

It is situated near the Sadaody archipelago and laid directly next to redline where holy land of Mary Geoise resides.

It is a crescent moon-shaped island that is composed completely of bricks and steel, with cannons on the edges. At the back of the island, standing large, tall and proud is the Marine Headquarters building. The building is a large multistorey ancient Japanese-stylized palace, with the base bearing the kanji for "Marines" , with the Marines symbol in between.

It was a familiar sight harbouring good for (Y/n) for now. 

Memories flooded as she step of from the ship onto the ramp leading her to the ground of Marineford , so many memories flashed her eyes, she had spent most her time in this world on that ship, it was her home, and now she was leaving it, leaving Fujitora and everyone else but if that meant starting her adventure she will have to deal with the pain. she had with her the rucksack she spent carrying most days, she had so many adventures with such a simple bag, and she also carried a large suitcase as non of the marines on arbored her ship wanted her to forget anything even though if she did, they would gladly turn back just to give it her even if it was just a toothbrush.

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