Meeting the warlord's !

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Wealth. Fame. Power. The man who had everything in this world... The Pirate King, Gold Roger. The great treasure he left behind, One Piece has opened the curtain on a grand era! It is a time when eager pirates set sail, battle, and become great! The Great Age of Pirates! Words he spoke drove countless men out to sea. And so men set sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!



In this world there is one thing that has always been here never changing, always the same and it was the seas herself. The sea was her own master, both beautiful and dangerous alike. The sea is shrouded in mystery; it's ominous, yet majestic. The sea connects all places in this world with its waves and tides going where they please. she is old and the start of it all.

Enemy of the sea. Devil fruit's are mystical rare fruit found in this world that can give the consumer many different kinds of strange and interesting abilities, all with a costed.

Devil fruits are split into 3 types: 

Paramecia ! - The most common of the three Devil Fruit types, this type Devil Fruits grant their users any kind of superhuman powers, Some Paramecia Fruits allow the user to modify people, objects, and environment around them and some fruits exist that allow users to generate and manipulate matters.

Zoan !- The users of this type Devil Fruits gain the ability to transform into a specific animal, as well as transform into a hybrid form that combines attributes of their own species and the species the fruit allows them to transform into. Unlike other Devil Fruits, Zoan type fruits are said to have a will of their own.

Logia !- The rarest and most powerful of the three Devil Fruit types, these Devil Fruits allow their users to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element. The elemental transformation effectively makes the user intangible, as well as allowing the user to remain in control of their body, even when it is broken into pieces. They also gain every ability related to that element, such as sand being able to absorb moisture or light being able to travel at light speed. The darkness element and its power of all consuming absorption has the unique ability to nullify any other Devil Fruit power upon contact with the user. Some Logia Devil Fruits even grant the user an infinite amount of space inside their elemental body.

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