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Draupadi, ulupi, chitrangada, and Subhadra all held a piece of his heart. But did you know the tale of
'Mithila Prayashi, the beloved of mithila'
Born with the grace and pride of a peacock, she was named Mayura by her brother,
She was Aaradhya to her people who worshipped the ground she walked on,
She was Vaidehi to her beloved cousin Vaidarbhi,
She was called Jigyasa by her brother-in-law for her inquisitive nature,
And to her brothers-in-law by marriage, she was Mahimaa, the mahaprasad of Mahavishnu given to their family,
She meant so much to so many people, but for him, she was the meaning of love, others held his heart but she held his soul,
to him, she was his friend, his guide, his equal, his wife but most prominently she was his lover,
His 'PRAYASHI'. and that is how she is known throughout history.
Let's look into the tale of The Spiritual daughter of Radha Krishna,
The tale of the princess of Golok and Narottam.

I do not own Mahabharata or the pictures and songs that I have used, they all belong to their respective writers and creators, but the character privacy and the storyline that comes with her are owned by me and
I do not appreciate plagiarism.

Tell me what do you think of this book?

And is that somebody who can help me design better covers for my books,
I need to create three of them.

Love u all!

Samay Yatri: A Tale Of 3 Time TravellersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant