Chapter 6: Kelvin and Seether's digivolve forms

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Within a dark cave Drazeros and the others are setting up the equipment for their base of operations.

Sabrus(BlackGabumon): Finally this base is done.

BlackBiyomon: No kidding.

Seth(BlackGomamon): So what do we do about those Digidestines?

Drazeros(BlackAgumon): What do you think? We destroy them and rule both Earth and the Digital World.

BlackGatomon: Agreed but first we'll need additional help.

Drazeros: What do you mean?

BlackGatomon: You'll see but for now let's send Orgemon to deal with them.

Orgemon: I'll enjoy destroying the Digidestines!

Drazeros: Do not fail. I promise you the consequences will be severe.

Orgemon gulped in fear when he said that. 

Orgemon:(nervous) Y-yes sir.


Kai, Kelvin, and Seether are having a sparring match. Kai used pepper breath as Kelvin also does the same as the two fireballs collided. Seether charged in and punched both Kai and Kelvin sending them flying as they retaliate by charging double dragon boost crashing into him.

Tai and the others are watching from the sidelines.

Tentomon: They are certainly giving it their all out there.

Meicoomon: Well they'll need to get stronger when they face Drazeros and the others.

Palmon nodded.

Gatomon: Worried about your boyfriend huh?

Meicoomon blushed when Gatomon said that. Tai and the others chuckled at that.

Meicoomon: Aren't you also worried about Kelvin?

Gatomon soon had a blush on her face.

Gatomon: Well played Meicoomon.

The three were done sparring. Until Orgemon attacked them.

Orgemon:(evil smirk) Hello Digidestines.

Kai: Orgemon.

Kelvin: You know him? 

Kai: Long story.

Orgemon charged at them as they scattered and attacked him. Kelvin unleashed pepper breath at Orgemon and Seether used his vines to wrap the Digimon as Orgemon.

Tai and Mimi: Kelvin Seether!

Kelvin: We're fine.

Seether: Yeah It's gonna take a lot more than that to get us to stay down.

Tai and Mimi's digivices began to glow as they soon began to digivolve.

Kelvin: Agumon X digivolve to... Greymon X!

Seether: Palmon Digivolve to

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Seether: Palmon Digivolve to... Ponchomon!

Orgemon:(nervous) I'm doomed

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Orgemon:(nervous) I'm doomed.

Greymon X: Nova Blast!

Ponchomon: Tequila Knuckle!

They combined their attacks and sent him flying.

Joe: That was cool.

Gomamon: You said it.

Kelvin and Seether reverted back to their rookie forms.

Kai: So how was it when you two digivolved?

Kelvin: Definitely felt stronger.

Seether: Same here.

Izzy: Still we'll need to keep our guard up.

They agreed as this is just the beginning.

To be continued...

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