Bio: Kai Loud the firedragon/ Agumon

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Name: Kai Loud the firedragon/ Agumon

Age:(physically 18)

Personality: Serious, Brave, kind, helpful, caring, quiet

Tamer: Tai Kamiya

(Former appearance)

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(Former appearance)

(Former appearance)

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(New Appearance)

Likes: His new found friends, His tamer Tai, Meicoomon(his crush) Having fun, helping others, battling evil Digimon, Kelvin, Seether, Dracyan, Dravise, His little sister Cozy Glow, Aerion, Renamon, Rika, Jake, Henry, Krowl, Artemis, Kian, Helix, Odon, Aurora

Dislikes: Drazeros(hates), Letting his friends down, being reminded of his past, seeing his friends hurt, being betrayed, Evil Digimon, Liars, Sabrus, Mephiles, Shadowstorm, Siderian, Felice, Gia, Byako, Seth, Makuta, Jack, Tazzuk, Grimy, Dragren, Destruction, Arrogant people, Tyrants, Metal Kai, Kai Black, Dharak, Kai.exe and his team, His Dark form, Evil Kai and evil Digidestines 

Love interest: Meicoomon

Backstory: Kai Loud the firedragon has lost all of his friends, family, and his girlfriend Lilac to the murderous monster Drazeros the Shadowdragon

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Backstory: Kai Loud the firedragon has lost all of his friends, family, and his girlfriend Lilac to the murderous monster Drazeros the Shadowdragon. The two dragons fought each other to the death. Kai delivers a final blow as it then killed Drazeros freeing Royal Woods and Earth from his tyranny. Kai soon died because of his injuries. Fate had other plans for the young firedragon as he was sent to whole different universe. Kai was now a Digimon known as Koromon before he Digivolve to Agumon. Kai has made new friends and has a strong bond with his tamer Tai Kamiya. The digidestines then meets two new digidestines named Meiko and her Digimon partner Meicoomon. Kai/Agumon soon started to have a crush on her but a certain old enemy wants revenge and plans to rule both the Digital World and Earth.

Digimon The firedragon rebornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora