Chapter 4: Origin of the two Firedragons/ The Voiddragon Reborn

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After the incident at the city Drazeros(BlackAgumon X) remained in hiding at an abandoned Warehouse and knew he needs to form a team in order to destroy Kai and the others.

He then sensed a familiar energy heading toward Earth. The former Shadowdragon went to the energy signature in the forest.

In the crater a Phantom Ruby was there as a body started and looked exactly like Gabumon but it was actually Sabrus in BlackGabumon's body.

Sabrus groaned as he got up.

Sabrus looked at his body and was shocked that he was in a different body.

Sabrus:(shocked) What happened to me!

Drazeros: You have been reborn as a digimon.

Sabrus looked to see Drazeros as he was also in a digimon body.

Sabrus:(shocked) Drazeros?! How did you get here?

Drazeros: We'll talk about this later for now we must leave before the humans get here.

The two former dragons ran away before the humans got there but unaware that two Digimon were watching them and followed them.


The Digidestines gathered around as Kai begins to tell them of their origin. He told them that Kai, Kelvin, and Drazeros were once Avalician Dragons and lived in a city called Royal Woods and they once had friends families and the two once had girlfriends but they were all killed by Drazeros and their Earth became a barren wasteland and when he and Drazeros clashed they both died and were reincarnated as Digimon.

Tai and his Sister Kari and the Digidestines felt sympathy for both Kai and Kelvin. Matt was furious that monster Drazeros killed their friends and family. Gatomon was also furious that Drazeros did all of this death and destruction. Meicoomon felt sympathy for Kai he had lost everyone that he had cared about.

Both Meicoomon and Gatomon hugged both Kai and Kelvin as the two former Firedragons blushed from that. Gabumon and the others smiled at the scene.

Izzy: So that means we have to be careful when we encounter Drazeros or any other enemies that may appear.

Kelvin: Your right on that.

Gomamon: Then let's get to training!

Kai and Kelvin chuckled as they soon began their training.

Back with Drazeros and Sabrus...

Sabrus: So you were killed by Kai and you became BlackAugmon X as well as a Digimon?

Drazeros: Indeed and it would seem that since you were sealed in the Phantom Ruby it altered your body to be able to handle this world.

Sabrus: So now what since this Digidestines and the two Firedragons are going to stand in our way.

???: I do believe we can help.

Drazeros: Who's there!

The shadowy figures revealed themselves. Drazeros and Sabrus blushed seeing them.

Drazeros: Who are you two?

???: The names BlackGatomon.

???: The names BlackGatomon

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???: And I'm BlackBiyomon

Sabrus: Well nice to meet you two my names Sabrus

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Sabrus: Well nice to meet you two my names Sabrus.

Drazeros: And I am Drazeros.

BlackGatomon and BlackBiyomon: Cute names for strong warriors like yourselves.

Both Drazeros and Sabrus blushed when they said that.

BlackGatomon: Now then I believe that me and my friend can help you two in destroying the Digidestines and getting rid of both Kai and Kelvin.

Drazeros and Sabrus both became intrigued by this.

Drazeros:(evil smile) We're listening.

To be continued...

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