Chapter 3 Part 7 A Letter is better

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I entered the class, hands were waving at me, signalling me. Their faces were glowing with big grins.

Zaid and Vin kept a chair open for me. We never sat in the same spot to confuse teachers. Sometimes right in front and sometimes in the back. Sometimes together and sometimes separated. They were human, after all. We were always testing their psychological levels.

I knew they wanted to talk about yesterday, but the teacher had already started class. The teacher kept looking towards us because of the whispering and laughing.

Teacher: Some people are smarter today than they were yesterday, it seems. Zaid and Vin, I did not see you guys up on that stage yesterday.

I could only hear the footsteps of the teacher after those words. The class continued until the bell went again.

Zaid: Finally! Simon, did you hear the news going around?

Vin: This news might make or break your day. I like to call it a mixed reaction.

Simon: Guys! Just tell me already.

Zaid: There is news going around school that you telling everyone that you kissed Shareen and you dating. Everyone saw you together yesterday.

Simon: Wait what! I did no such thing. Who would spread such lies?

Vin: What are you going to do?

Simon: Absolutely nothing!

I continued with my day, getting stares from students. I was finally getting noticed because of rumours. There was one month left before exams started.

In my heart, I thanked the person who spread that lie.

I would not mind living that lie.

What will Shareen think of me when she hears this rumour? This is how you lose a person even before you have tried to get to know each other.

Walking to the next class and still listening to my friends discuss it made me put the record straight. There will be no plans. Just let it be. Trying to fix a lie just makes it worse.

I just hope Shareen sees the humour in this. Sitting there, not even taking notes in English class. Waiting till break time to share my news about the bursary with my friends. Thinking about all the different outcomes like I always do, rather continue thinking than be punished for a wrong move. Chess 101.

Finally, it was lunchtime, and we could go to our favourite spot. It has been our spot for four years now. In the summer, the tree shades us from the rays of the sun. You could lie underneath it and look at the flowers and clouds in the sky.

 It is our daydreaming destination. In the winter, when all the leaves and flowers wither, the rays shine through and warm us up just enough. It was also close to where everyone goes to buy food. Crowded affair, but they placed our items separately. We refer to it as loyal customer service. We made an agreement early on with the lady who sells food. 

Laying there on my back awaiting my food because we each took turns weekly. Closing my eyes and listening to the students screaming about what they feel like eating and knowing I do not have to go through that, brought me so much peace. Vin came running with the food, five minutes later. That is a record.

Simon: Guys! This morning I was late, and I received a bursary for that. How crazy is that?

Vin: Congrats man, we were screaming yesterday, felt like a scene out of a movie when we finally saw who you have been looking for.

Zaid: Marry her! That would make a great how did you meet story.

While enjoying our talk, a freshman came running towards us and greeted us. After asking who Simon was, handed a letter with my name on it. I continued eating, just staring at it, until Vin decided to be his obnoxious self and grab it.

We wrestled because there was no way I was going to let him read it before me. I strangled him from behind until he gave up and held the envelope in the air for me to grab.

I immediately put the letter in my bag, needed privacy to read it because I had an idea what it contained. I tried to play it cool, but my heart was beating too fast. The rumour got to her, and she finally responded.

We walked back to class slowly after the amount of food we consumed. Eating a lot knowing the next class is a, be quiet and do your work type of class. Such an instant weight-gaining method.

Simon: Guys, this will sound crazy, but this morning I was late, and they awarded me a bursary right, but what I failed to mention was I think I am in love with the competition.

Vin: This close to the final exam. Do you want to go in the ring with exams and love?

Simon: Believe me, I did not wish for this, but such is life.

Sitting in class, I had time to think about everything, a lot of questions on my mind, with no answers. Whispering in class, a melody for some, I noticed. I sat a distance away from my friends. Clenching my bag, like I had just robbed a bank. Still deciding when to read the letter, news can render me powerless. Vin was right. This could negatively affect my positive outlook on life.

I finally persuaded myself to read the letter and deal with life.

Dear Simon, it read, I could not tell you this to your face.

There goes the bell again

Guess she kicking me out of her life.

Hope you enjoyed this part 1 of Chapter 3

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